
Pilgrimage (Festival Climax)


08-24-2014, 09:14 PM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2014, 10:32 PM by Evelyn.)

Truthfully, Xae hadn't mingled much. He had planned on it, planned on helping Abaven increase its allies. But he'd hung back, observed quietly, as he generally did. He found himself constantly questioning himself, and had felt unusually nervous and even a bit shy. After all, he had never been witness to so many bodies in one place. It made him wary, like everyone was going to turn on him - though the logical part of his brain, of course, knew that that was highly improbable. And to prove that part of his brain right, everyone had pretty much ignored him. He had trailed after Bass for some time, probably looking like some lost puppy. He hoped it hadn't irritated Bass too much, or made him regret ever bringing the Vor in the first place. Xae really didn't have much of an excuse, either. He certainly wouldn't tell his leader that it was because he was shy! How pathetic. After a while, not wanting to seem as nervous as he felt, he'd left the Azat's side. But he still hadn't conversed with anyone.

He watched as Ebony's leader stepped into the light, her dark head tilting back and a welcoming, excited call met his ears. Curious, Xae picked himself up and trotted closer. He sat where he assumed the front would be - a rare thing for him, but, if Bass were still here, he wanted to seem more confident than he really felt. As she finished her summoning, the pale eyed male turned to watch as more wolves appeared, all circling the charcoal Drottning. He turned his curious gaze to her, watching as another female came to stand beside her. She spoke something in a language Xae did not understand, but something in her tone gave him a strange, joyful and yet melancholy feeling. The she-wolves now held the russet boy's attention, his head cocked as he peered on, eyes bright with curiosity.
