
bearing the olive branch


05-13-2013, 05:15 PM

Maverik reacted quickly as well, impressive for the young male and Cynrik made a note to compliment him on it later. Not that they probably would have stood a chance against this beast of a male. Though he was smaller then he remembered his sister being, and far easier on the eyes, he remembered his butt getting handed to him as a kid and didn't doubt this male would have done the same. The most Cynrik could have probably done was hold him off long enough for Maverik to flee but thankfully it didn't come down to that. Instead it ended up with Maverik openly staring at the male who had introduced himself as Gargoyle, obviously impressed by his size. Conversation carried on for bit after that, talk of sitting down and chatting, not wanting to take Gargoyle away from his duties and such. For such a young male Cynrik had to commend Maverik on his mannerisms and speech. He would be a good leader one day.

Of course all those thoughts were thrown out the window as Maverik was literally tackled to the ground by a flying woman. Eyes widened in shock and a bit of horror at it all but soon enough introductions followed. Her name was Insomnia and Maverik soon introduced her to him and Cynrik bowed his head gracefully once more. "No apologizes are needed Insomnia, and please the honor is all mine. It's always a pleasure to meet friends of the prince" he said easily as Maverik picked himself up and apologized quickly to Gargoyle. He gave Insomnia a smile and a quick wink before composure was regained. He liked her already, she knew how to have fun obviously. Cynrik's gaze turned to the massive Cheif and for a moment allowed the smallest of smirks play on his lips before it disappeared once more at the male's comment. They would deal with this, everything was well and they were to follow the Cheif to the caves to be introduced to the rest of the pack.

A trading of knowledge? Cynrik's head cocked curiously, crown rotating almost to its max. Well he had a lot of questions but he could plague other members with them, Maverik and Gargoyle could speak for now. Though Gargoyle's first question was an odd one. Polar bears? He hadn't seen one himself since he was young and had followed his mother to her homelands by accident. If she hadn't discovered him he surly would have died but she had never been able to sneak away from him. He didn't respond though, instead following behind, allowing Maverik to walk with Gargoyle with Cynrik drifting along with his head at Maverik's outside hip. It was more so he knew where he was going then for a rank or respectful purposes. Eyes didn't stay in front of him for long, instead roaming the icy lands that these wolves had made their home.
