
with arms wide open


08-25-2014, 12:41 AM

He flashed her a brief, somewhat amused smile, only the right corner of his lip twitching up. "Vor. I was promoted last season." The russet male turned around so that he was able to fully face the dark she-wolf. She answered his questions as he was turning around, and he gave her another nod to show that he was happy that her health was in such excellent shape. At the mention of her ear, his pale gaze flickered to it, examining it. His eyes returned to hers as he heard her praise, telling him he'd be the first she went to. He smiled again, still as brief as his first, but with both corners inching up. The Vor truly appreciated the sentiment, though it did give him an embarrassed flush. Thankfully, his dark pelt hid any discoloration. "I am happy that it's healed so well. I appreciate your praise, but Harmony still knows much more than I could hope. Regardless, I will do everything within my power to ensure you return to health, should another time arise." After a pause, he continued. "Though, let us hope that doesn't happen." Xae let out a soft, breathy chuckle. The russet she-wolf continued to speak, and the male cocked his head. "I don't understand why you would wish to run from yourself in the first place?" His 'brows' knitted together in genuine confusion.
