
with arms wide open


08-25-2014, 01:48 AM

He'd hardly time to recover from her initial praise when the words came firmly out of her mouth. He'd remained still under the hard, long look Mirabelle gave him. Her words truly warmed his heart, though. He saw past the outwardly harsh words, and knew that she was only attempting to make him see himself as better than he did. Which, frankly, confused him. It wasn't like he felt bad about not being as good as Harmony. If anyone was to be better than him at healing, he wanted it to be Harmony. The fact that he was just under her in terms of rank was quite the prize to the male. But he said nothing, merely nodded in understanding. The Bjuni again sent a wave of embarrassment through his veins, his skin heating up. "Um..." He glanced away, unable to meet her eyes. He'd never received such a personal compliment. The Vor had heard the others - the praise of a particular skill. But this? It was just about his laughter, but still. It felt personal, to the normally fairly distant, though he hoped not unapproachable, russet male. In his embarrassment, words failed him, and a very non-eloquent 'um' had actually tumbled out of his mouth. It was the first time that he could remember that he didn't have something to say. Swallowing the lump that had formed, he glanced back up at Mirabelle. "I... Thank you." He decided that thanking her was the best option.

Even if it had embarrassed him, Xae would be lying if he said that he wished she hadn't said anything. It was comforting, in a way, that Mirabelle was so upfront. Refreshing, really. But that seemed to change with his question. It was almost instant. Her mood seemed to darken, and she looked away from him. The Vor watched her eyes, his own eyes trying to pry information from her through her sockets, as if read her mind. Sometimes, he felt like he could. Read emotions, at least. But Mirabelle's only emotion that Xae got was unsure, and that didn't tell him anything. He wanted to pry. He wanted to beg and plead and politely force information from her. But he kept his mouth shut. The boy had a feeling Mirabelle wouldn't be too happy with him if he started becoming nosy. "Well, I do not plan on running from you." The words were simple, but sincere. Unless she was trying to kill him, there was virtually nothing that Mirabelle could do that would cause Xae to run from her.
