
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.


08-25-2014, 04:37 AM

Whispers of such a surreal area had hung inside her mind. Adventurous nature pleaded for her to journey to this place. With her promotion among Abaven ranks, she should be focusing on proving her worth on the battlegrounds, but maybe after this one last exploration.

It seemed to be of a later hour, though, not much light shone through the canopy overhead. Perhaps this land was embraced with an eternal darkness, but then again - when the leaves fall from ivory branches it would allow for the sun to kiss Alacritis's flesh. Kaleidoscopic eyes scanned the bare trunks in which sprouted from the soil in vast numbers. Each one seemingly trusted beyond what it should, exposing oneself to all dangers possible. Without worry or second thought, each massive tree gave oneself completely to all of the world. Mmm, if only wolfkind could offer such trust, then and only then would peace be among wolves. Or would it? Maybe it would open doors to even more hurt and deception.

Blackened heart matched the scene. Overshadowed with darkened thoughts as the land was with the vast canopy. Expanding all the more as time inevitable ticked onward. Though, once allowed to become exposed, it revealed it's true form hidden beneath. One in which was more of a purity and allowed itself to become exposed, not to all the world, but to the one the heart trusted. Was she evil? Yes. But only to mask hidden pain and regrets. Self worth had been eradicated due her imprisonment and she found comfort in the arms of the devil.

Comfort in which none-other had been able to offer her. Peace was found only when evil consumed her, when she allowed herself to be taken by man. It allowed her mind to escape such tortures of a beaten, abused childhood. For a fallen heir, it was shameful, but that part of her had long died.

Her soul was now entrapped by the body of water in which, now, rested before her. It was as if it were a mirror into her soul. Offering only a picture painted in black with stars, flecks of purity, on it's face - her face. A sigh escaped her maw as she stared into her own reflection. Ears were pinned upon her skull. Ah, how disgusted she was with who she had became. A wolf in which craved to be a tramp and welcomed the taste of crimson life upon her lips. Sometimes the thoughts of who she might have been intruded heavily upon her mind and this happened to be one of those times. Something about this place made her think about who she really was. Maybe it was the ghosts of her ancestors? Ah, what a disgrace she would be to them!

A silhouette came into view - one in which rested on opposite sides of the pond. At first glance she guessed it was a bear, but now looking up the figure was unmistakably another wolf. The bastard was huge and black in color. And most frighteningly, mocked the appearance of her former master. A tinge of fear surged through her frame, but no. . . this was not him. The aroma did not smell of decay and blood. It was not tainted with a scent of the pack - his hell; however, the stranger's appearance was a terrible reminder of her past. Venus would now rest in a sitting position. Hind limbs carefully tucked beneath her and tail carefully curled around her left flank. She would stare out at the creature with her motley gaze, quietly, watching each movement that rippled throughout his body.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts