
A Hundred Treads


05-13-2013, 05:29 PM

She was still growing used to the title of Queen. She didn't particularly enjoy the thrum of power, in fact it made her a touch uneasy. She could recall the leaders of her old pack, how ruthless and bloodthirsty they had been, mercenaries had been a poor disguise to the word murderer that lingered upon the tongue of every man , woman and child she had come across, and make no mistake she had spilled her fare share of blood. Carnage did not describe the distaste of her home. She had no words to describe the horrors she had been brought up to accept, it was only by sheer luck she had managed to escape, to drag her disillusioned mind from that foggy haze. She was thankful for that every day she breathed. in her waning years, she yearned for peace, it was the guiding force that had driven her to join Tortuga, with her lover. A pack of neutrality, uninterested in the customs of others. She could live out the rest of her life with her mate, if Demonio would still have her, in relative comfort.

Or so she had thought.

Kaien had been an unworthy ruler, yes, but his general distaste for everyone and everything had left his leadership questioned and hated. She had challenged him, willed him to fight her for the throne, the fight had barely begun before he lay forfeit. He had asked for his life to be ended and she had done so. Queen of Tortuga, the pack of misbegotten souls and misfits. It suited her this pack, whether she was meant to rule it... she knew not. The games she would begin upon the morrow. The competition to earn a rank as beta. It was sure to be harsh and emotions were sure to run high but she was looking forward to it, she had come back to the battlefield to pay her last respects for Kaien. Her head would rise and she blinked as she came upon another, fending alone upon this field of carnage. Curiosity ensnared her and she paced forward. "Good day, what brings you so far out into a field such as this?" Desdemona's voice was deep and powerful, but gentle. She had not wanted to scare the male off. Her massive size already made her quite the sight. Reaching nearly forty-two inches and bottoming out at one-seventy, the dame was no figure of grace and beauty, but thick muscle and heavy brawn. She would wait patiently for the males response.
