
with arms wide open



3 Years
08-25-2014, 10:23 AM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2014, 12:02 PM by Mirabelle.)

A grin made it's way to her maw. She made him speechless. And obviously embarressed. He couldn't meet her eye. Strangely enough, this delighted her. To an extent that would make Xae soon regret ever showing that he was embarressed by such a personal compliment. Her tail twitched, thumping on the ground for a moment. He also didn't snap at her for her harsh words, or mistake them, and that's what she liked about the similarly colored man. He understood things, what someone means under the words. Her lips peeling back at the words he finally forced from his throat - it seemed - she gave him a grin. "You are quite welcome!" She gave a soft, low laugh of her own, utterly aqmused. No, she didn't regret embarressing him one bit, not when it resulted in such an endearing and adorable reaction.

She ignored him when he gave her a piercing look, though, when she turned. As if he was trying to pry the secrets from her by staring at her. It was quite disturbing, and left her even more unsure. He didn't say anything though, which made her grateful. And pleased; it once again proved the intelligence of Xae. But then he did speak, and she stared at him with in incredibly wide eyes, shock clear. Like with how Xae never had someone who have him a personal compliment, someone telling her something so kind, so simple, was astounding. It... Left her speechless. She couldn't even think of a quip. Her mind more the irony of being in the reverse position this time, and she did what Xae did. "Thank you." Her words were soft, nearly inaudible, and full of emotion. And so completely sincere.


[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]