
Message in the pulse, lost my past in the basement



08-25-2014, 12:18 PM

She could feel the tension that seemed to wrap around the two of them, both not so good at social interactions. It made her chuckle a bit, both of them were sitting here so awkwardly, not really knowing how to interact with each other. She was curious as to why his other eye was scarred shut, but she kept her nosy questions to herself. He paused after she asked her question, seemingly having to ponder his answer for awhile. But what he said only made her tilt her head to the side, brown eyes slightly narrowed as she studied him. "But does being in one place your whole life not want to make you explore more? Up here in the pines you don't see much of the colours of Autumn. Its the most beautiful colours that mother nature has to offer, like she painted the earth in a whole new swash of colours." She said, her eyes looking up at the sky as she spoke. She liked fall for more than one reason, she blended in more then as well. It was a lot easier for her to hide than it was in the snow. She had yet to spend a winter here, but she knew that it would take some getting used to.

She cast her gaze down towards him when he spoke again, noting on the quiet of the land. She laughed softly, her brown eyes rolling teasingly. "Well you have me to deal with now, not to sure if you would consider that a good thing." Haruka knew that she could be quite the handful, but she had no intentions of changing how she felt and acted, it was who made her, her. She was her own breed of crazy, that was for sure. Sighing softly, she once again looked away from Vereux as he asked how she was settling in, her mix-matched ears laying flat against her skull. "Depends on what you consider 'settling in' I guess. Athena asked me the same question, but its not like I don't like it here. I'm just not fond of the general populous." Giggling softly, her white tail thumped upon the earth. "I've never been too keen on large groups, but my paws led me here for a reason. I knew that I could help, and I guess I like feeling useful. It is hard to be away from my brother, but I am hoping to drag his butt up to the north anyways." Despite herself, Haruka felt herself relax slightly. It was something about their general awkwardness that made her feel more at ease with this man.

Walk "Talk" Think