
even a god-king can bleed



08-25-2014, 01:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She did not know exactly what she expected of these Olympus wolves, but despite her decision to join them she felt awkward in their midst. Her gold and purple eyes skimmed from one strange, unfamiliar face to the next, her ears set back anxiously against her head. Thankfully her children stayed close, which provided at least a little sense of comfort knowing they were safe and within her sight. Despite feeling odd and out of place, Ashtoreth still tried to convince herself that this was the right decision for her family. They could be safe here, they could learn to fit in. They just needed time was all.

A sense of relief came over her when the dark lady Natalya called them all to order, explaining to them why it was she to conduct the meeting and not their leader, Virgil. Just a little that bit of anxiety returned in knowing the pack was undergoing a leadership change, but she did her best to stifle it, drawing in a quiet breath and releasing it in a hushed sigh. Maybe the timing was right. Maybe it was this new leadership that could prove to be the most helpful to her and her family. She glanced toward both of her children curiously, gaze alighting first on her daughter and then on her son. What were their thoughts? Did they care or were they indifferent to her search for a home to take in them all?

New rankings were explained and Ashtoreth listened with quiet attention, ears perking once at the mention of a hunter's rank and then folding soon after at the mention of combat training. As much as she would have liked to think herself capable of defending herself in a fight, the lean grey hunter knew she did not have it in her. She was a poor fighter in every respect, and she feared it somehow hindering her family's chances here. But she needed to try. To ensure their survival, she needed to do everything in her power to get them a stable home. Which meant undergoing this training.

The majority of Natalya's announcements seemed to have come to an end, and already there were those few within the pack that were beginning to voice their preferences and decisions regarding what she had told them. With a nervous glance around, Ashtoreth wondered if she was free to speak as well. Would it be out of line for her to say anything about her own preferences? Would it be offensive for her to assume she was still being considered to join? Her hesitation cost her her moment to speak, the male Natalya had introduced as Helios quickly reacting to the presence of someone in the crowd. Ash pressed closer to her children at the outward display of disdain, unsure what it meant for the pack or for her considering she was present. Eyes shifting between Helios and Natalya, she remained quiet and watchful, worries suddenly making her uncertain.