
One Lost, is now Found.


08-25-2014, 02:15 PM
A rustle came from the bushes as a growing young man emerged from them. He had a calm demeanor to him, standing in a still gallant pose. With a flick of his white lined ears and a small snort, the brute lowered his nose towards the ground and quickly picked up the scent of his mother and sister. with a sigh Ryker picked his head back up and started walking towards what was left of his family. Muscles rippled beneath the growing man's dark coat.He had grown quite a lot since his leave of the lands of Alacritis. Last seen as a scrawny past sickly yearling, he was now a well-built rather handsome thing of nature.Taking mostly after his father, with a dollop of his mother, Ryker seemed like a perfect blend of the two.

Speaking of his father, he flicked his gray tipped tail as that topic came up in his mind...Brows furrowed while aqua blue eyes with an emerald green flint in each looked up towards the sky. Ryker had always wondered where his father had gone off to. He had given his father a hard time when he was younger, even though he was always there for him and his siblings. When their mother was gone both times, he had taken care of them. With a grunt, Ryker even remembered the time he nearly drowned as a pup when Valhalla flooded. He smiled a bit as he remembered his old man jumping in and saving him as well as one of his siblings.After that, he curled around them...perhaps he had been a bit hard on him as he grew an attitude. The brute quickly came to a halt; white lined ears perked up as two howls reached him.

"It can't be.."he mumbled

That first howl sounded all too familiar, same for the coincidental eagle screech before it. After looking all this time, could their father have finally returned to them? The wolf sighed, not all of them if it was to be...his brother Ravine was still to be found. Stupid water...enough, there was no time for that now, he had to find the source of the howl. dark gray legs carried him as he ran; white toes pushed off of the Earth as he cleared logs and rocks. It wasn't long before he had reached the location of his sister Resnera. She seemed a bit uneasy, was she unsure of the source? Ryker himself was questioning his guess...he didn't want to be disappointed.The brute leaned forward and gave his sister a comforting nudge. If the howl wasn't his father, Ryker wasn't going to let anything or anyone hurt his mother and sister.

"Honestly...I think it's father."he said before looking towards where his mother should be coming from.

"We should wait for mother though before we check it out, just in case. I want her to be with us so she's safer that way."