
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.



7 Years
08-25-2014, 04:51 PM
[Image: oNHbT9P.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

Halting in his steps he felt yet another heavenly shaded vine grace over his bear-like features. Wide shoulders with a slightly bowed reach stayed still as a statue. Obsidian paws sunk into the terrain with such unknown force. As it were as a pup, the brute was unaware at time of the sheer strength his herculean build could therefore emit. With a heavy sigh a small snarl seemed to subconsciously sound as it exited his surprisingly clean, though damaged maw. Missing canines would grow visible as the ivories lining his jaw would slowly unsheathe from beneath the ebony curtains containing them. Gum were stained with black and pink, rich color within his jawline, like jewels they danced against the shadows. But the display seemed to fade away slowly, as did the memories following behind it. Like flashes in the night they seemed to plague his mind, slowly driving the god insane. He shook his dial gently as the memory faded, riddling his brain on it's way out. He hated these flashbacks, especially when close to nothing would bring them on, and he'd have to live through them with excruciating pain from within for however long they lasted.

Falling silent the brute slowly opened his golden gaze, pupils fell from dilated back to normal slowly as he looked on. The heavenly trunks around him caught his attention once more as he pushed his heavy figure forward, like a train pushing against the tracks he seemed to move in a similar fashion, a brief hake of his neck blowing dust and dirt akin to smoke from his figure. It wasn't long before his memories were lifting, though it was in a controlled state this time. An expression of depression fell over his darkened heart as the lively sounds of carnivals and fair's dimmed into the background, playing over and over again like a broken record in his mind, they were slowed down into a snail sped motion, sounding as unrealistic as they did at the time, that was before he got used to them. Black shining boots flashed into his mind, black pants, tight fitting, though owned by a man would appear as well, a great man, like a herculean man himself his face flashed like an empty blur in darkness, features unrecognizable, in his great arm, the size of a God's his knuckles were white in grip upon a brown stick of sorts. Like a bat for a ball he remembered being told one time. The great scar that stayed visible when the mass of ebony hair would part at times came into mind, and the brute focused once again upon the blurred hand that lifted above him, a bright flash would sound and fear shook him awake.

His auds flicked forwards as fast as ever. The image before him sent the hackles upon his long top line to settle, hiding the scar across his shoulders, his wide set figure then slowly began to relax, falling as still as the pond he starred at the goddess across the small, still pond, shadows and heavens reflecting into the pools. He blinked once, auds slowly churning about his head as to be aware for any sounds that might catch his attention. Golden optics were captured by the stars, the enrapturing galaxy that reflected from the dove's visage. Noticing his rigidity the brute relaxed himself, looking away for a moment he assessed the pool before him. Bullring glittering against the white surroundings. Wondering about it's depth he paused for a moment, noticing the silence between them, though there should be no threat. Watching her sit, the brute stayed where he was, knowing his arthritis would fail to gracefully allow him to do so for such a short amount of time. Shortly after assessing the milky shaded pool, the brute stepped forth, his great paws sinking into the still waters, hardly creating more than a few ripples as the water caressed upwards, swallowing the herculean brute until his wide underline touched the disturbed waters surface. Like a dream he floated towards the fae, footsteps hitting the pool grounds before he neared the opposite side of the pool, feeling the need to see this fae up close pushing him forward. She was a vision, and the starscape that pulled him towards her was captured once again as he reached the shore, walking out into the terrain he stopped for a moment, water dripping from his legs and underline as he gazed at the dove, thick stems he stood upon were greatly defined with wet hue. The gold bracelet on his right leg would glitter, it's black barcode now more visible then ever.

"Well, well." His deep, yet muscular vocals rumbled from his throat like thunder. Vision overlooking the obsidian and beige doe.