
To Extend Our Reach to the Stars Above[LUDMEETING}



08-25-2014, 09:03 PM

She would sit there silently with two of her children, nuzzling the tops of their heads lovingly. While the other sat with Novel. She could not deny she felt slightly hurt but then again her kids were no longer kids. They were growing and making their own choices. She focus went back to her sister, ears perked. For a moment shock coursed through her. Split the pack? Would they be able to handle such a change? She looked out at everyone with a frown. There was only a few who could possibly make this work smoothly. Her eyes did land of Novella though. Her younger sister was capable but was expecting her first litter. She frowned as she turned to her father, ears twitching back. Personally Symphony knew she wasn't the one for the job. Her mind would not be able to focus without Gitan at her side and she had three children to still teach. She sighed heavily. She missed Gitan so much it was with great effort to not wince and fold in on herself and closing everyone out.

She watched for a moment, her mind turning over the ideas. She could go to this sister pack, assist where she could in getting it started. And they would need a healer. Sorrel could get far more experience in healing with just to two of them running it. While Feli would make a fine addition as a hunter and fighter. He would provide well for a newborn pack. Cerise was a bit more difficult. She seemed to often be in another place inside that head of her's. But she knew the girl was smart. She just couldn't see her path just yet. A new pack might help clear the fog for her so to speak. She looked at her children before looking to Song with a bittersweet smile.

She would stand up, tall and proud. Gitan would return and with him as well they could advise Novella and Frith."Song, Family..I will go to this sister pack with my children if they wish to follow. The new pack will need a Healer. Novel here has everything more than well under control and with Mother always here to assist when needed as well as you Song. I am not needed here, never was. Gitan has been gone for sometime, for reasons I do not fully understand. But I do believe he will be back one day. Both Gitan and I can help advise whoever wishes to lead the sister pack. I am not...the one to lead a pack" She paused to look at her parents with grief in her eyes. They would understand her mind would be unable to focus, her heart shattered and barely staying together. She would miss them and though she had not spoken to them she had forgiven them and her sister. But perhaps it was best for her to go to this sister pack. She needed room to stretch out her paws so to speak. She had felt useless lately and joining the newer pack might do her good. She turned back to her sister, waiting to see the acceptance.
