
You Were My Conscience...


05-13-2013, 06:03 PM

She lit up like fire when he confirmed that he was serious, her tail wagged behind her as her ears perked up and took in every word he said. He gave her three options, join for a season to regain her strength then take her leave, join until Iniko was strong, or become a full member. All options was great to her, and she greatly appreciated how he was giving her this opportunity even after the way she had acted towards him. He must have really changed since leaving the mob. He had suddenly changed the topic though, bringing up how she said children even though Iniko was the only one with her. Him bringing it up caused her tail to stop wagging, he ears folding back on her head which lowered to the ground.

Sperare had children, Seraphiel and Iniko, but Sera had been lost in a bad storm, and they haven't found her since then. She really hoped her baby was okay, that she was alive somewhere, somebody had spared her life and was taking care of her. His voice brought her out of her thoughts though, telling her to gather her children. Slowly her ears lifted off her head, he said him and his wide would help if she wished and then come. Finally he came to what she had not told him in the first place, her name.

Clearing her throat, Sperare lifted her head, looking from Iniko to Gargoyle, from him to the female beside him then back to him. My Name is Sperare Velganna, and this is Iniko, as you might have heard. She finally gave him his name but her voice was a bit shaky, she had to look away from him for a few moments before looking back. And I would like to gather my other child but she was separated from me, I have not seen her since. Her voice grew saddened as she explained to him. I would like to join this pack of yours, have time for my son to become strong... I would like to wait and see if I can find my other child, and if I do, then I will let you know what my decision is after being there for a season.

She had requested, hopefully he would allow this because moving around these lands would throw her baby off, scents everywhere and not able to focus on one, her mothers. She would like to have their help in searching too, and if she could join then she would describe her pup to them so they could keep a lookout for her.