
All Alone


05-13-2013, 06:26 PM

Sperare chuckled at Iniko, the squirrel had got away and there was obvious disappointment on his face. He had come close though, had he been just seconds faster then he would have caught the small animal and would have had a nice snack. He came to her though, apologizing and saying how the squirrel wanted to be eaten. This caused her to shake her head with a small chuckle, though he was a pain sometimes, he was still her little boy and always managed to put a smile on her face.

He had asked her when she thought they would find his sibling, becoming serious. Her laugh had stopped, the smile vanishing from her lips, a saddened yet serious expression worn on her face. It really bothered her, not knowing whether she would find her other child or not. Every fiber of her body said that Seraphiel was alive, that she managed to survive this log without her mother. "Soon Iniko... I'm sure we will find her soon." She told him softly, leaning over and lightly licking his cheek before pulling away and continuing on with their search.

With seconds of getting back to their search Sperare heard something nearby, in one fluid motion she backed up so she stood beside her son, ears perking up and swiveling around to catch what direction the sound of paws against the earth was coming from. Her head kept turning, eyes trying to lock onto the animal until they finally locked onto it. A wolf, russet fur, black dorsal stripe and tail, those sapphire blue eyes. Seraphiel... She whispered, eyes going wide and body still.

It took a few moments for it to register in her head that it was her pup, that this was Seraphiel and not some pup she was mistaking for her own. She was running at them and her voice only confirmed it more. Oh how happy she was, her tail went up, wagging like mad, lips pulling up on a toothy smile. her baby! She finally found her baby after all this time! She was going to charge at her, embrace her baby, smother her in kisses but the pup suddenly stopped, going from happy to confused in a second.

Sperare became scared, did Sera realize she was angry at her mother and brother for leaving her behind? She didn't mean to though, she was trying to watch the both of them but the storm (they got lost in a snow storm XD) was just too bad. She tried to remain calm though, taking in a log deep breath and taking a step forward when the pup asked why they smelled different. Seraphiel, hunny... it's fine. We smell different because we found wolves, they will help us. We will finally have a home, we will not have to keep moving around. She took a few steps towards the pup, a smile forming on her lips, eyes watery as she gave Seraphiel the news. The children would be happy, they could finally stop and make friends, not have to keep walking till they could no longer walk. She had not told Iniko this, wanted to wait until they were all united. And now that she found her child, she would let Gargoyle know but not about her wanting to stay, she would wait to do that.