



3 Years
08-26-2014, 10:00 AM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2014, 10:01 AM by Sköll.)

Skoll's steps were panther-soft as he slipped through the mists wreathing this forest. It was a pack territory but the scent was stale and beginning to fade, as though the pack had stopped renewing markers recently. The remaining scent markings reeked of his brother, Hati, the Betrayer... he had been here recently. Skoll had no compunction against stepping over the border to investigate - though he was no fool, his senses remained at the highest alert in case any remained of the old pack to take offense to his presence. His lip curled at the idea of some lesser beast daring to attack him... he would put them down like the mongrels they were.

Not simply his pawsteps were cat-like - when a youthful call pierced the mists inviting wolves to flock to a new banner, his curiosity was piqued. What manner of wolf so young as this voice implied could gain a pack? And no child of Hroovitnir, this one, or he would have recognized the voice... unless his brothers had been more true to their purpose than he had been led to believe. Perhaps the Betrayer had - no... Hati had never shown the proper interest in siring pups to carry on the bloodline, why would he start now? Still curiosity drew him on.

In the center of the forest he stepped through the mists that caressed his equally pale form to find only a pair of wolves there. His eyes dismissed the male, whose sex did not match the voice who had called, and tracked up the boulder to the form of the wolf who would take this pack. His gaze swallowed her thoroughly, weighing, judging... and then dismissing. A beautiful body did not persuade him into believing them somehow close to worthy, not anymore, and this girl's unusual red coloring did not change the fact that she was no more than a new yearling, a rank amateur. Her pack would fall within the month, no doubt about that.

But something stayed him before he could simply turn and walk away. Not pity for the girl or a desire to help, no, not even infatuation or lust though she flaunted herself with a precocious sexuality. Skoll had it in mind to do something a little low, dabbling below his league for a while as he discovered what the Betrayer had seen in this quaint little group. Or had Hati simply torn them apart as he had their own family pack? Unlikely he held the same enmity for whoever led this pack that he'd held for their father but it was a possibility that could not be denied. Why not tarry here for a time, have a bit of a play at being a good little pack wolf?

So he allowed himself to slip back into a demeanor of good cheer, coming forward out of the fog with a welcoming smile for the child who would lead this pack. "My lady alpha," he purred as he bowed before her, without a hint of the distaste he felt, nothing but respect showing in every line. "I am called Sk?ll Hr??vitnisson, and I greatly desire to join your pack. Your very wish would be my every command."