
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.



7 Years
08-26-2014, 11:40 AM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

The starscape that captured his undivided attention seemed to bring him closer with silent steps beneath the shallow pool, drawing him in her direction, though not directly for this fae could quite possibly act out in an unfamiliar way, something this brute wouldn't mind, though felt the need to prevent such mindless actions for now. Golden optics remained captured by the stars, like a moth upon a tree, her camouflage seemed to entrance the predators around her, colors flashing in warning of the toxins she carried, the confidence of her to do so excited the male. Silence remained within the toxic air, as if her voice would be all too much to hear at once, overwhelming his senses. The herculean brute glided upon the shore, an angel? Hardly, though a fallen one would be more fitting for he had nothing in his past life prove his worth towards the heavens, and his past was far from a fairytale. He failed to shake the thick, obsidian coat that hugged so tightly to his wide frame, water like it's own rainstorm streamed from his underside into the already soaked earth, massive footsteps sinking into the sands beneath his heavy weight. He would glance away from her for only a moment of time.

This goddess appeared to be more than a familiar face, for only now had he managed to rest his golden optics over the remaining parts of her exquisite features, down to the very angles of her shoulders and how she would sit, the way she seated herself, like a woman of grace he noticed her positioning. Though he also noticed something within her bi-colored gaze, something her mind was at a battle with, and something he knew but dare not address for now. Submission? Yes he loved it, though what brute didn't appreciate such an action from respectable young does? Finally his gaze seemed to linger over the goddess once more, nostrils flaring as it were visible in his core as his chest sunk and then inflated wildly to catch the scent of the beauty before him. Saying nothing yet, he watched her closely. Curiosity cutting across his keen senses as he did so. His dial would turn gently, observing the dove like a predator to prey, though he would keep his distance for now, and force the excited hackles upon his top line to relax for a moment. Her gaze sent rippled of anxious adrenaline into his spine, electric energy hitting the muscles in his neck and back with sensations that were difficult to ignore, though he did well to hide them.

His underline continued to drip mercilessly, tired gaze hiding many a secret. He would stare at the dove's figure once more, mucus layered bull ring adorned within his busy nose would shimmer as it twitched and flexed in the shadows. Thick stems still soaked with the light waters behind him, revealing the barcoded bracelet and steady musculature he fought against to subdue. Like a siren's song her voice would sound out him, her curious mind he knew could no longer bear it, and so in excitement a small smirk crossed his maw. And there is was, her name, the very beginning of her story she gave to the herculean beast. Venus he repeated within the catacombs of his mind. Such beauty and magnificence. Hardly hearing the remainder of her apology, the brute said nothing for a long while. The bear-like brute would gently sigh, this time his gaze turning away from her to push his large figure slowly forward, though the chilled waters he had emerged from were sending his arthritic joints into a small frenzy. Slowly he shortened the distance between them, without much of a thought as to how that would make her react, and there he stood, dial relaxed upon his wide-set shoulders, her scent pouring into his nostrils with an abrupt meeting, subduing his senses.

"It is not my property, dove. There are no apologies needed, though I crave to know what a divine creature such as yourself is doing in these parts." Though his voice spoke with such words of praise, the vocals they radiated from remained deep and thunderous, hardly forming above a mumble they poured out like toxins from his throat. The siren before him capturing his attention once more as she shifted a bit away from him, and so he stopped, a curious smirk once again across his features. This beast of a brute had long-kept secrets of his own, though he could tell he may not be the only one who did. A deep chuckle, hardly enough effort putting it past a couple of slow sounds would emit behind his ivory colored smile. "Why do you struggle to be calm, dove? If it's fear that's driving you to do so, that's unnecessary." He slowly spoke out, a great breath following after it, though he knew he had yet to give this doe his name in return. He was just waiting for the moment, but only as a reward, for he longed to hear her voice again. The need to hear it sending his hackles up in anxious delay. Claws flexing into the sandy terrain about them both, he was close to her though a safe enough distance away of at least a few feet, enough to catch her movements but not to act out.