
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.


08-26-2014, 01:35 PM

The scene would play out as if it were a movie stuck in slow motion. Each movement the monster made seemed to take several seconds to play out when normally it would take a moment. Sounds seemed to even gradually play out rather than instantly. Perhaps the adrenaline that coursed throughout her body played tricks upon her mind in which caused each moment to drag on for what seemed like eternity. Or perhaps it were the gods with their unbelievable sense of humor.

A golden ring hung loosely from the man's right limb. A decoration that she had failed to notice earlier. The metal band gleamed brilliantly beneath the dim-lit terrain. Colors danced about the jewelry in a rainbow of hues, though, it was a rainbow limited to shades of gold. Reflections of white trickled upon it in areas creating an eye catching ornament. Ah, the thing fit so perfectly upon his shadowed frame.

Raven paws would relax from its grip upon the drenched soil, shifting slightly as she moved them a bit from it's former static location. The liquified terrain felt strange as it seeped between each toe and intruded beneath each claw. The noise it made was only a light sloshing sound, one that resemble the soft padding sound across a freshly formed rain puddle. She much preferred the lifeless snow upon her paws.

Venus carefully stood up, slowly. Her frame backed away from the moist ground in an angled fashion - shifting backwards and to the side a bit so that she could face her Cerberus. Ah, it was like looking the devil himself in the face. Her devil. Golden eyes mirrored the same deathly gaze that rested upon her former puppeteer's face. Though, running from such a past would not do. Had she not faced her demon before? No. . . not quite. She faced his mistress but never the devil himself.

The creature's positioning and expression seemed to not be of a threat. Perhaps this man had no ill intentions. She scanned his stature carefully, ensuring that no defenses were being taken - any sign of an attack. Though, none were visible upon his body. Her tense muscles relaxed a fraction. Growing a bit more comfortable in this man's presence as moments inevitably passed by. Though, a knot still formed itself in her throat and flecks of fear could be found upon her facial expressions from time-to-time.

She masked most of her feelings well, though, it proved to be very difficult in this one's presence. Venus allowed marbled eyes to finally lock on to the man's golden gaze. She took a deep breath and formed her usual regal posture. The one in which she held so well when meeting others. One that would tell all the world that she was arrogant - that she was confident and strong.

Perhaps he was no devil after all, though, appearance screamed that he was more than that. The devil's master? Dark vocals would mock his appearance perfectly. It had been a while since the man had last spoken. A seemingly eternal silence over-fell the place. Though, Venus had been so caught up in her own thoughts to remember to respond. But, she shook her dark memories from her mind and played the long lost words in her brain as if it had been recorded there.

The stranger had addressed her as "dove" - for what? To woo her or perhaps a display of kindness? Maybe it was an offering of friendship. Though, whatever it was, she would not deny the name. In fact, she rather liked it, although Raven would have been much more suitable.

I find myself roaming lands without reason. I wish I could offer you an answer, though, I cannot answer it myself. Silence then poured over the land once more, but this time it was brief. Voice was not it's usual flirtatious purr as she addressed this male. Though, Summer was the season that ignited her fire, she desired to not make enemies with this colossal man. This place puts me at unease, that is all.

Was there a reason this beast did not offer his own name? Of course it had to be. Starlit face carried a puzzled look as she questioned his inner desires. Scars painted the beast's face enhancing his demonic appearance. Though, thinking back, she could almost remember than man showing signs of discomfort. Pain, perhaps? Due to age or maybe old battle scars. . . Though, her mind had been clouded at the time. Masking fear and history - clouded to offer some form of comfort to her lost and darkened soul. What should I call you, stranger? Surely, you too, have a name.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts