
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.



7 Years
08-26-2014, 02:26 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

And so it would seem the god's would not give this edged herculean a moment of peace. His joints would continue to ache as he moved, sitting was a bit of a challenge though he managed to deal with the discomfort in order to bring the idea of comfort to this siren known as Venus. Ahh, he would play her name in his mind like a broken record, lounging within the short syllables that gave this goddess such a calling. And yet, the name seemed to fit the doe, he solid size, though feminine physique was carried with her very well. He knew she was no stranger to affections and both her voice, mannerisms, and even her scent failed to suggest him otherwise. With given time the brute finally brought himself to focus, the galactic goddess finally speaking to him with what he longed to hear.

His attention lifted as she spoke, the one and a half auds upon the top of his head would swivel forward slowly, the golden studs within his intact ear now facing her. This anomaly of a brute growing more and more interested to the point where control may no longer compromise with who it belonged too. He was no threat, and he let her know as such, but there was something about this doe, something raw and inviting that he told himself to tolerate for now. But who was to say this normally docile brute could loose control at times? He did his best to hide it, to hide everything that wanted to break out at once and overtake this doe.

With outward poise he listened as she spoke, remaining where he stood, though mostly relaxed. "Is that so?" He questioned her with a coy manner, though his vocals remained dark, they rolled from his throat from the depths of his great chest. Though something made him itch, perhaps it was the fae's indirect answer. His maimed aud twitched momentarily and he felt a sigh lift at his great lungs. He could tell she was dancing about, perhaps avoiding acquaintance with the brute, or maybe just wishing to stay her distance, all with good reason. Though he failed to usually keep up his teasing demeanor, taking advantage of his looks and demonic voice he could only do it for so long before eventually growing back into his true self, a mere loner of a male, wishing to only satisfy the doe's who abided by his own wishes to do so. He never allowed his past to define who he was now. A half-decrepid beast who had no home, he was never the type who had dove's wanting his ever lasting attention, only a select few in a blue moon would come along, but fade away after the seasons passed, whether that be the founding of a pack, or they passed from the earth itself by the hand of an enemy, illness, or childbirth.

"Ah, I see." He commented upon her uneasiness in these areas, another ivory smirk crossing his dark maw. It seemed to fade as she asked for his name. Before replying the brute seemed to look away from the doe, moving towards her with easy, slow steps, his musculature seemed to relax as he did so, not wishing to send her the wrong intentions. As he neared her he would veer to her left, golden optics capturing her gaze of evening sunset, moving slowly he would allow his figure to drift around her, slowly making his way to her opposite side, tail set low, dial somewhat lifted as to capture all of her features. The musky beast spoke as he neared her tail end, pausing for a moment to see what her reaction may be, he played with the situation. He finally decided to give her his dubbance, wishing not to cause trouble. "Goliath. Toh Beru." He slowly gave her the last of his calling.

Lingering at the fae's seated position he glanced up towards her dial, catching the stars in their places as they faded over her dial. He observed her odd markings, something he had seen much of lately, these wolves of strange coloration, yet beautiful all the same, and intriguing. "If these lands bring you such uneasiness, why linger?"