
The youth is naive , wisdom is what we need.


05-13-2013, 06:49 PM

It wasn't long before his call was answered. He watched as she made her way to him. She showed professionalism and he liked that about her. Ulrike waited for her to get closer and speak before he made his words. She greeted him with a professional, yet friendly bow, Quite pleasing and the Brute returned the bow to her. That was only right in situations such as this. She spoke it was short and straight to the point.

Ulrike looked at the dame, he was impressed as to what she was doing. He did not have any complaints except one. "Yes i did call you Desdemona. I will not waste your time in sugar coding what i have to say. I think that your idea of a competition to gain rank is wise, but there are some in the pack who may have a chance against the youth. For example Secret and my self have worked out tails to the bone to get to the position that we were at. A lot of proofing to the Alpha that we can do this job, keep the pack fed, safe and so forth. And i think both Secret and my self have been doing a good job at that. I will be damned that some inexperienced, naive pup takes my place. Please excuse my language, but i mean what i say. I can fight, and hunt no problem, but only for a short amount of time, if both are required to do at the same time. See miss i am getting up in age any my hind left leg that i broke so long ago, is not being to kind to my self. All i am asking is that the elder wolves with severe injuries caused from life, have a very high disadvantage in this games. I see that you are doing this because the wolves of Tortuga have been lazy." He paused for a bit to catch himself.

"And miss i see that a lot now. But don't forget us older wolves, who actually worked to get the rank we held before you took place as Alpha." Ulrike had finished what he had to say. He hoped to god that she understood him, if not he would be damned that all he worked for goes to some young pup who has been in this world no more than four years. She better see that keeping those who had gained so many wounds in helping keep this pack thriving.
