
Across the Barren Dunes, my love


08-26-2014, 05:37 PM
Tallulah would notice that her mate had lied down beside her. His comforting touch helped her in this stressful situation. The wind echoed amongst her ears as she let out loud, raspy coughs, trying to clear her throat of what amounts of sand had somehow went down her throat. The grainy earth was unpleasant tasting, and listening to her mate's steady, slow breaths helped keep her calm and vigilant. She rested her cranium upon her forepaws, the wind hitting against her ears, causing the wind sound to make her eardrums wing and she closed her eyes at the unpleasant sensation.

The orange and cr?me dame would feel her love placing his head upon her neck, a smile slowly forming on her maw. Without any arguing, she closed her eyes and waited out this storm. Her paw was slightly bleeding, probably from the hot sun causing the pads of her feet to crack and open up. Crimson dripped onto the sand as she licked her paws. The grainy sand stuck to them like a magnet as if to get her away from her paws so the sand could stay there. The grainy substance was unappealing to her, but she continued to lick the blood from her paw.