
Thrown Back and Forth


08-27-2014, 01:04 AM

Small talk and company... such were simply bliss during this part of her life. At times Destruction missed being a member of Seracia, at least when she was a bit more known and social, though perhaps it was mostly just the interactions she missed. So many gone in and out of her life... and she was not yet so old that she would be considered an elder. The man too bore little scents upon his coat, making her wonder how long he had been living as a rogue. If he ever was once part of a pack or if he preferred to wander. There were so many different lifestyles that one might be able to choose and live. Her own life had taken a three-sixty from her youth, and she thanked the gods that it did. Where would she be now if it hadn't? A complete monster, forever alone in her own darkness? ...Dead? It was something the large woman didn't dwell on, counting what blessing she still had in her life.

Again such kind speech, as well as the proper air of one who was educated... a gentleman. Destruction enjoyed listening to Deviant already. His voice was clear and soothing to listen to. Definitely someone you wouldn't mind talking to, right? "Deviant Black... I am afraid I do know know your family name, though it seems the family may be one worth getting to know more members of." For Destruction her only true family now were Tahlia, Bane, and her godchildren. She had no bloodline of her own anymore, and the female sometimes wondered if it might die out with her.

The dark female would take a small bite of the doe that the man offered to share, chewing it over as asked his question. It was one that would, after she swallowed the meat, bring a soft sigh from her lips. "To call me a warrior would have been a compliment I'm afraid. The life I once lead was that of an assassin and murderer. Fate moved in mysterious ways, taking me from an innocent child to that... and from an assassin to one ruling a pack, able to trust others again, and to a rogue." Des would give a small smile. "I hope I didn't share too much unneeded information there, Deviant. Guess my own past just... surprises me sometimes." The female would close her single orb for a moment before looking at him again.

"...and if I may be so bold to ask a question of my own... what was it that lead you on your path here, Deviant?" So many things could have brought him to Alacritia, or he might have even been born within for all she knew.