
Thrown Back and Forth



8 Years
Extra large
08-27-2014, 01:29 AM

When she spoke of his name, the man would hold in a chuckle, taking it as a compliment that he seemed to be good enough company that she would want to get to know more of his family. At the same time it would bother the man, making him think of all the children he had been separated from, first by his son pretty much starting a genocide, then once again when Valhalla was lost. It made him wonder if he would ever be able to find a single one ever again, especially when months had gone by without a single sighting. Lost in his own head, the man seemed to day dream while the woman began to snack on the deer, but once she spoke up once more he quickly snapped out of it and focused in on her.

He listened in silence, allowing Destruction to say what she was thinking. She explained that she had been an assassin, a murderer. For a brief moment he seemed to hold doubt in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe she could be such a thing. Quickly though he would wipe it away, a calm expression replacing the look. Fate had really messed with her life, starting as an innocent child, morphed into a killer then brought her to ruling a pack until finally making her a rogue. A busy life she seemed to have, full of many emotions and memories surely. When she spoke of sharing too much the man single scoffed, shaking his head with a warm smile. "No no, you're quite fine. After all, I'm the on that asked." He chuckled lightly, placing a paw upon the deer.

Deviant would latch onto the flesh, jaws locking and head twisting then turning, before finally ripping off a piece. Carefully he chewed on the meat, not wanting to appear like a slob in front of the woman. Within moments he would finally swallow, tongue running over dark lips just as the woman asked her own question. What was it that lead him here?

The male seemed to go silent, muzzle pointed towards the ground between his paws, golden gaze looking off into the distance. He could feel them begin to form immediately, the images of the not so distant past. Blood, his family. "Death." His voice was soft as he said the single word, tone holding something back, the emotions that threatened to flood his body. He breathed in deeply, eyes closing momentarily. "My family had to flee our homeland, separated out of fear of what may happen to us should we have stayed." Lunatik, his own son.

Awesome table by Requiem <3