
Across the Barren Dunes, my love



4 Years
08-27-2014, 02:52 AM

The sandstorm had finally died down but not his worry for his mate. Even though Tallulah's cracked paw pads were of minor injury, it would prove to be bothersome for both him and Tallulah if they couldn't get it cleaned at least with water. Cacti water would work but it was going to be slightly difficult without getting stuck but his mate's safety and health was of his top concern above even his own safety and health. However his worry was beginning to take its toll him leaving him somewhat shaken. Aoto had a mate but if he made a single mistake it would've been over. The brute watched the fae move on just three of her four legs as he considered where they may find shelter.

Aoto watched where Tallulah seemed to be looking and noticed the coyotes and that they had a den. However he didn't want to risk possibly being injured and even more so Tallulah being injured if he tried to take over the den. However the fact there were pups amongst the two adult coyotes brought about the idea of his own future pups assuming nothing else in life tried to kill them before then. He had to start thinking more about what he was going to have to do for them to survive as he watched his love curl up. Aoto proceeded to move to his mate's side and attempt to curl around her as much as he could. He was going to be cold but he hoped that his own body heat may help keep his beloved warm.

He was thinking of Tallulah and only of Tallulah at the moment. He smiled a little as his lips parted "Well my love, we made it through the sandstorm and I'm glad we're still here, together... I hope I'm helping you stay warm, if only there was some sort of open water source nearby so we could clean your beautiful paw, my love, for now we'll have to rely on our saliva to keep it clean which means I should get to work" Aoto chuckled as he gently licked what he could of Tallulah's paw pads.