
Without You [Blu]


05-13-2013, 07:12 PM

Little time passed, and brought with it the arrival of Aislyn. To be frank the comments of the wolf he had at one time become beta with shocked him, but his shock quickly turned to fury. He let the beta finish, his normally soft blue eyes icing over as he stepped to stand protectively in front of Blu. His hackled raised, and a snarl escaped his maw.

?It would do well for you to remember who she is, Aislyn, and to remember that this pack abandoned her to the grips of that volcano. She is no intruder, she is my mate and a well respected member of Valhalla. It isn?t her fault that you left her to die.? His sentence ended with a spat, his lips coiled up to reveal his canines.

He could have understood a rebuke for crossing the border, but surely anyone with half a brain would understand why it had occurred. Blu was never blatantly disrespectful, even now the pair stood close to the border. If Aislyn wanted to send them away, he?d first call Cairo or Collison. If that alpha wouldn?t hear them out, yes, they would turn their back on Valhalla. He didn?t need this.

Chronos wasn't a wolf to be blatantly disrespectful, but he'd be damned if anyone would speak to Blu in that manner. Not after all Blu had done, and all he had done for his so called pack.
