
excuse me but what the fraggle rock are you doing



3 Years
08-27-2014, 03:53 AM

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The male decided he would introduce himself as well, and added in his title, the Guardian of his pack, Secretua. Did that mean he was a guard? Or was it an important rank? Ace had absolutely zero knowledge on packs and their hierarchies, so she was hopeless at even trying to figure that one out. She simply bobbed her head in acknowledgement, and offered a small smile. He was quick to offer her a place to stay in case her family might return, but she slowly shook her head. There was no point, her family wasn't stupid, they'd leave and stay the hell away. His next offer had more appeal to it, though she wasn't sure how she felt about having a stranger dogging at her heels until she found everyone. What if he sent her off with a big scary grump of a wolf, or a flippin' nanny who would flutter around like a coked out sparrow and worry about every little thing she did? That would suck all kinds of horrible. She frowned, shrugging narrow shoulders gently in response. "I dunno, I mean, I don't wanna be a pain in the ass or something. If someone wants to tag along, I wouldn't mind the company, but you don't gotta do nothin' if you don't wanna." She hummed quietly, scuffing her paw through the dirt again.
She really did want to find her dad, she missed him a lot. She wanted to hang out with Hel some more, because Hel was the only fun sister besides her. Everest was all bossy and stuff, and then Aksel had been missing for like ever, so he wasn't even really a factor in the process of weighing her options. She missed uncle Thor and Uncle Baldur, they were so funny, and when she was upset about something they always cheered her up. Her little cousins, and even her little aunts were missed by the patchwork girl. They were gone, and here she had an opportunity to get them back. She had to get going soon, the sun would be setting in no time and she had to find somewhere to rest for the night before that happened. Double dipped banner would flick anxiously over her heels for the billionth time, and her acidic gaze swept away from the steel furred male and over her shoulder, to where the sun was beginning it's descent across the sky. She had a few hours, and she still wanted to cover ground before she set up camp for the night. Her gaze returned to Rune, and she waited to see what he would do.
OOC: Oh man another craptastic reply I'm seriously sorry

Fenben made me this here arts, thank you Fenben!