
Across the Barren Dunes, my love


08-27-2014, 09:38 AM
Tallulah would hear her mate speak. A smile coming across her maw as topaz optics focused on his own. The smell of the burnt and grainy sand was all she could smell as the cold began to surround them. The warm sun was now in sleep mode, and the moon and the cold temperatures were beginning to take its own toll on the two wolves. The cold helped her paw, but when the wind hit it she would wince out in pain and whimper. Blood still dripped from the cracks. Her eyes would then shift upon Aoto, a small smile on her face still when he said he would look after the paw and clean it himself for now.

She would feel his wet, saliva filled tongue glide across the wound, his tongue starting to turn a darker pink from the crimson blood that connected with it. His comforting and soothing strokes of his tongue helped the wound, but she was still hurt. Her head was placed upon her forepaws. The sound of owls and buzzards were seen, and even the call of the coyote family could be heard from afar.

"Thank you, Aoto. Tomorrow, we should continue to try and get out of this desert and also look for a water supply." She would exclaim. The heat had caused them to become dehydrated. The cold would help them but it wouldn't last long. Finding water was their best bet, and their second priority would be getting out of the desert together,