
regrets collect like old friends



3 Years
08-27-2014, 10:23 AM

Well this was becoming interesting. Mira watched with her head tilted as Wren attempted to control her anger. The wolf may have been getting more angry and frustrated, but Mira was just getting more and more amused. She wasn't even trying to piss her off. Her words were nothing bad, even her tone was mild. She had to resist laughing. It was quite surprising Wren had lived this long, with a temper as short as it appeared. Were she in... Mira cut off the thought. Wren had not been there. So there was no use thinking about it.

She refocuses in as Wren started speaking again, and she laughed. "Little bird, you are correct. I am far from proper!" The red woman laughed again, tail swinging from side to side. "And I care because you demand of me to be polite towards you; I will not be polite to one who is aggressive towards me for no apparent reason. For threatening me for no apparent reason. Even you, little bird, has to admit that were the situation you would be completely pissed. It makes no sense for you to be so threatening towards me when I've literally done nothing." She paused, thinking, head tilting a bit. "Besides, we're packmates. We're supposed to get along. Packmates are not supposed to threaten each other, let alone threaten a maim." Even in her birth pack they didn't do that, which was saying something. Her father would rip off the face of any wolf who threatened another in his presence.

At this point, Mirabelle didn't even care. She was of higher rank, and Wren's packmate, and she had done nothing wrong. Not pushed her own rank, not be rude, nothing that could be turned against Were there to be a challenge of some sort, it could easily be denied - you only challenge when there's a reason, and if it's a challenge issued for no reason then there's no reason for Mira to accept it.

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]