
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.


08-27-2014, 11:09 AM

This extraterrestrial goddess grew all the more pleasant in the presence of her personal Hades. The man displayed no sign of threat or ill intentions and perhaps she was simply quick to judge the beast based on such demonic looks. Mangled face mad the hellhound seem all the more evil. Though, evil did not yet seem to festoon his identity. Some only were temporarily good, however, until one had simply willingly gave themselves to a demonic power. . . Then to only display their true personality when one was beneath his or her grasp. Venus would continue to be cautious of the man - observing each movement that passed over such grand muscles.

She was now much more alert and things restored to its natural speed as nerves became more at ease. No longer drugged by her natural heroin, focusing on the man's words and interactions became much more effortless. Confidence had once more been restored upon her soul.

Regal posture shifted once more as the muddied soil continued to seep between her toes. Ah, such an annoyance. Marbled eyes stared at the man attentively and patiently as he responded to each of her statements. She took in each syllable and as she did so, the man's dark voice became all the more attractive. Her typical whorish behavior surfacing - craving this beast to consume her and inject her with his medication. Though, this season would be a dangerous time to take a large dose for it could result in unwanted side effects in which would, ultimately, delay her desires to become an Alacritan queen.

Though, she could not help but think of what a magnificent king this man would be. She was unsure of his personality and ability to demand control; however, his size and appearance could easily strike fear into the hearts of others! What a benefit that would be. . . Further enabling her to manipulate others as she so chose to do. Maybe this was the reason for their meeting? Mmm, such possibilities this man offered and so she wished not to make enemies of him.

The beast's responses always seemed to be condensed. Saying what he meant with as little words as possible. It was admirable in its own way. The man seemed to be careful not to display any sign of dominance - keeping his tail low to ensure that he was of no threat. That was a welcome sign. Though, the man would make his way to her rear which sent shivers of pure desire throughout her body. Thoughts of wanting him flooding through her mind would only cloud her thoughts once more.

Venus could not help herself. Ah, how she must toy with this devil! She gently pressed her now standing body against the man allowing her warmth to touch his body wherever it may. A slight moan escaped from her throat - surely the man must want her as well. The man's voice would then offer her his name. Goliath. It suited the man well.

Then he would question her decision of lingering in such a surreal place. She would answer him, but this time in her typical flirtatious timbre. Goliath. The name fits such a beast so well. Mmm. . . Perhaps you are the reason I linger. Indeed he was. If the man had not interrupted her travels she would have probably been in new places by now. Though, she wished to not add the rest. It sounded much more wooing shortened the way she had. Perhaps the man would understand her hints of desire. Then again, he may not be interested. What about yourself? What brings you here if you don't mind me asking?

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts