
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.



7 Years
08-27-2014, 12:53 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

Oh this dove was good, she ay have been showing such brief moments of fear before, well hidden with a steady hear rate, he felt he could palpate in the atmosphere between them. Though, it would seem that now this fae was beginning to discover her upper hand. Something the brute knew she may gain, though doubted her prior to the show she decided to put on for him, and a dazzling show at that.

With an audible sigh, the brute continued to make his way towards the fae's rear, all the while realizing just what it was that had brought him to her, that dream-like state that would overtake his mind in the most lonesome times of his life. Each day was a battle to wake himself from the memories and the past that plagued him. As the beast slowed to barely a movement, his musculature rippled over his every step, still soaking from the stomach down he tolerated the slow drips and traveling beads of water as they seeped into the earth via his thick stems. He stopped behind the galactic goddess, failing to see her gaze right away he took advantage of the time he spent there, not moving from his perpendicular position, nor did he touch her, he merely stood, watching the dove's bodice sway gently. Boy was she something, something that could, on all planes, become his. The thought lingered in his mind, the temptress who could have many options circulating within her own mind at this point.

As the atmosphere around them fell still and all that there was seemed to suddenly disappear, the brute only watched this fae and nothing else. Simple thoughts seemed to etch into the core of his mind, craving this dove seemed to dominate the rest for the time being, an escape from the world he usually lived in, a world of solitude and aggravation constantly overruling his subconscious. It had yet to drive him to madness, and he knew this galactic goddess could very well be an out for him. Other thoughts would linger, she would bring a feeling of togetherness when a time of lonesome would hit him in his every day life, not to mention love. Ahh, love, it was possible though such times that had been felt while in love were greatly underestimated and ignored. Could he be capable of these things again? Possibly ruling his own lands again? Taking what could be rightfully his? He had been on his own for so long the ideas had crossed his mind, but were quickly shaken off. But upon just seeing her, this goddess... The thoughts seemed to spawn again.

Deep within him he wished for this doe to accept him quite fully, hoping it could lead to whatever may happen. Though who's to say she wouldn't just take advantage of the brute? He didn't know her, not her true self as of yet. As he thought about this, golden optics would slide into a curious, shimmering gaze towards the doe. Piercing through the back of her skull, his pupils would widen as he felt a sudden pressure at his flank. Stiffening his physique the bear-like brute glanced at the fae's rump as she seemed to push against him quite provocatively. Blinking slowly the moan she would allow to escape from his throat would widen them once more, only before an inward shiver would fall down his spine. His breath would catch and his claws would dig into the earth, stems barely shaking as if ready to jump. But he kept himself where he was, tense as the fibers in his every muscle seemed to fire all at once, and the hackles along his top line would raise to reveal such hidden scars from before. As moments passed the excited brute would calm himself, optics like daggers at the doe, he would slowly lean gently into where she was pushing, flank stiff and strong against her rump. Another gentle chuckle pushed from his throat, small snicker appearing as he would then slowly push himself forward, this young siren was becoming harder and harder to keep from himself, and he could feel the game getting more serious than ever before.

Her powerful scent overtook his nostrils once more before she spoke out again. Lovely vocals pouring towards him like a poison. Bullring within his obsidian nose was wet and glimmering. He stepped to the goddesses right side this time, golden gaze waiting to meet with her own. His slow, eerie chuckle would consume the air after her voice sounded, bringing him closer to her, as he moved he would allow his flank to linger against her before finally breaking off and swinging around so he could face her once more. As difficult as the task was, the bull seemed to shake himself through it, wanting nothing more than to remain where he had been, subduing the goddess as she so wished.

"Oh then I must remain immobilized, so as to avoid separation." He felt the words pour out towards her, honest in their every syllable, deep vocals pouring out like a distant thunderstorm in the heavens. Another shiver of anticipation flew down his spine, he would give an invisible shiver before feeling his hackles remain where they were. "I do not, though I also have no correct answer. I was merely traveling until a goddess divine seemed to capture my attention." He had to throw that small amount of cheap and cheesy flirtation in there, just to see what the dove's reaction might be, so eagerly waiting. An overwhelmingly tense desire flew over him again, raising his heart rate and dilating the pupils within the golden orbs meeting her own of marbled sunset. The galaxy across her stunning visage captured him, unsure of how this fae may want a troubled beast such as himself, half maimed with arthritic joints, scars both physical and physiological. He wasn't as troubled as he could have been from such a history as he had, though he didn't quite understand why someone would want to be associated with him as well. Pushing that aside the brute watched the dove, wishing for nothing more than to take the advantage, standing uneasily where he was, riddled with anticipation.