
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.


08-27-2014, 06:06 PM

Slowly, though inescapably, darkness began to overtake the remaining hours of daylight. Silver light now gently poured through cracks in the canopy overhead. Silver light in which whispered that it was close to hours of twilight. And soon stars would decorate the sky, though, the flecks of light would be invisible through the vegetation above. But her own starlit face would offer a personal, eternal galaxy. One in which a constant reminder of the beauty that rested in the heavens. Sometimes she desired life would end early so that she may travel there. Perhaps that is where she truly belonged. For at times (most times), on Alacritis, she felt detached. Perhaps that is why she yearned for man to touch her. It offered a temporary relief from all that is normal. Allowing one to travel beyond this planet temporarily. The mind could escape all that is bad and focus on being in pure ecstasy.

Scars that painted this creature named Goliath were not horrifying, in fact, she found each one fascinating. They were like a permanent story etched in stone. Maybe her encounter with Goliath would be more than temporary, and she would get to know the secrets each scar held. Not only did she find these scars fascinating, but she found this entire wolf fascinating. Whether it was because the man reminded her of her former puppeteer or if it was some other underlying reason yet to be uncovered, she found him riveting, nevertheless. The way his paws pressed upon the ground in such a force that seemingly made Alacritis's flesh tremble, the way his masculine voice rumbled from deep within his chest. . . It was all so perfect.

At this time, she desired so much to have godly powers that would allow her to enter the thoughts in his mind. To be able to understand what the man thought of her, though, it was obvious that he found her fascinating as well. But what was his intentions? To manipulate her? To woo her for the moment and then to disappear to whatever realm he had came? Though, at this moment, her mind told her that it really did not matter if the two of them never crossed paths again; however, her vital heart implored her to not let this one go.

Seductive advances seemed to ignite some sort of fire in the man. Ah, but did she really want this meeting to end that way? Or did she want to leave him with something to think about? She decided to refrain from additional hints to woo the male - instead, she would let him make the next seductive move if there was one to be made. Instead of her wanting him, she wanted him to want her. To feel wanted. . . Ah, is that not what everyone desired at some point? To feel as if another genuinely cared would be such a different feeling. Though, at this time, this man did not appear to be the family-oriented type. But, neither was she, right? Mmm, what a pair they would make!

Even though waiting for the man to make the next advancement if there was one to come, she could not help but feel a shiver of excitement consume her body entirely once he accepted her touch with a lean into her body. Ah, to feel such power to gently press against her flank was overwhelming - though, welcoming. A slight feeling of frustration would radiate through her when the man would make his way to her right side. How well he controlled himself around her! A temptation most others could not deny. And to feel his touch leave her - how she desired to close the space between them once more - to feel such masculinity to simply caress her gently.

Motley eyes would glance at the man's nostril decoration before returning to his golden eyes. Locking on to both of them as the man would adjust his body to face her. Each movement he mad was colossal. As if he were a stone giant gliding across the planet. Each step he took seemed to sink deeply into the mud causing her body to tip in his direction. Though, that could have also been from her continuous shifting.

Goliath would speak soon after, words mirrored her flirtatious tone. Mmm, she loved to hear such words pour from the man's maw. Smiling and laughter simply did not happen to Venus herself, though, if it did she would have probably smiled shyly at the male's attempt. Well, Goliath. . . She spoke slowly, savoring the way his name tasted upon her lips. I am glad that I captured your attention. I must be awful lucky to capture such a masculine male as yourself. Her eyes captured the movement of his dilating pupils, savoring the desire this man seemed to obtain. Perhaps this is why his eyes danced in such a beautiful manner. Surely you cannot be alone? Why did that matter to her she did not understand, but the question poured from onyx lips before she could stop it. It was a question that was obviously asking of his relationship status. Ah, and how she secretly hoped he was, in fact, alone.

Tail swayed gently in the breeze that managed to flow across the surreal landscape. Playing with the hairs upon her body creating a galactic dance. A swirl of colors that mocked their own galaxy like so many otherworldly gases swirling and dancing creating a rainbow of hues that were simply dreamlike. ears were pointed forward, alert and curious. Eyes left the man's gaze momentarily to once again take in his size. He towered over her in such a magnificent way. Eyes peered at the fur in which was still stuck against his frame due to the liquid he had glided through. An ear seemed to be severed from battle long ago. Ah, mangled and scarred - it made the man all the more appealing.

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