
Aha! {Festival Spar}



4 Years
08-27-2014, 07:34 PM

His opponent would rush towards him and Thor would ready himself for the coming attack. His world narrowed until there was nothing before him but his towering opponent. The brute would tense, his chin tucking further, shoulders rolling forward to deepen the protective shield around his neck; eyes narrowing and ears flattening in a subconscious effort to save his easily damaged assets from harm. Sensing that Kau, the much taller of the two, would use his height against him, Thor crouched down, legs coiling squarely under his body in preparation of his counterattack. For balance, his tail was held stiffly out behind him. The brute's fur rose all over, his hackles standing taller than the rest to shield his spine from crippling injuries.

It begins.

At the last second, Thor would spring up, front paws leaving the ground as he took Kau's shoulder slam in the left forward side of his chest. He rolled with it, leaving short tracks in the dirt as he let his opponent's momentum push him. On the heels of the slam, Thor felt teeth dig into the fatty skin of his upper left shoulder. To compensate for balance lost and to avoid getting further unsettled, he took a big step backwards and to the right (putting his whole body slightly more to the left of Kau). The air left his lungs in a grunt, pain blossoming across the entirety of his chest and flaring up along his shoulder. Having removed them from harm by rearing up, the brute's toes would go unsquashed.

There was no time to consider the damage done.

Aided by his spring up (his brothers were giants; he was no novice at facing wolves taller than himself), the brute zeroed in on Kau's neck. In preparation of his counterattack, Thor leaned his forward weight to the right in the hopes that it would strengthen the blow he was getting ready to deal, should it land. His left paw would seek to snake passed the right side of his opponent's face with the intent of digging his dewclaw/side of his paw into the muscle just behind the brute's head (the top portion of the brachiocephalic muscle) while the right paw would attempt to take a more damning path, aiming to land with all the force he could muster in the lower left side of Kau's neck, just above his forward shoulder (the trapezius muscle) in the hopes that the brute would become unbalanced. The intent wasn't to bearhug his opponent, instead, he hoped that by pushing hard from the one side while providing resistance to the other Kau would be forced to roll with Thor's attack or risk injury to his neck.

Meanwhile, Thor's jaws would part as his head darted to right, teeth flinging wide as he sought to catch the brute across the left side of his face. Knowing that it would weep tremendously, he aimed to dig his right canine tooth into the delicate skin of Kau's forehead while seeking to bury his lower right canine into the skin below his violet eye. This was only a spar and while he didn't wish any significant harm upon his opponent, he was willing to seize any opportunity that came his way to secure a victory. After all, there was a bear cub to impress.

Round 1 of 2

Attacks: The third and fourth paragraphs xD (Essentially, his left paw is poised to grip the upper right side of Kau's neck and hold it in place, his right foreleg is poised to slam into the lower left side of Kau's neck to unbalance him and his right canines are poised to tear up the skin above and below Kau's left eye.)

Defenses: Tensed body, tucked chin, shoulders rolled forward, narrowed eyes, flattened ears, crouching down, tail out for balance, hackles raised

Injuries: Bruising to the forward facing part of his left shoulder, bite wound to upper left shoulder

Notes: Oi. Pm me if you have any questions or need a diagram...and if you need a diagram, no laughing at Lazzy's poor art skills, okay? xD

"Speaking" Thinking
[Image: 2z9gv88.png]