
Those Wild Unknowns



08-28-2014, 05:44 AM

The early hours of dawn were hushed and the sun?s nimble rays had only begun to peak from the horizon. A warm splash of gold and pink laced the ascending darkness, while the forest below was swathe in eerie twilight and icy, dewed air. No wind ruffled the canopies above, only the murmur of the waking birds dappled the silence with the occasion chirp. Zaqa enjoyed the tranquility, the sensation of hearing her heart beat within her, her breath and her own nagging inner dialogue. This place, this place.

The silver she-wolf was unfamiliar with her shadow-laden surroundings, gait slow and measured in a mixture of intrigue and hyper-awareness. Zaqa had been alone for several weeks now, a nomad without destination, care or cause. Her thin frame, now bony, was hidden under a wild tangle of ivory fur. Having been following a particular star for nearly a month she had grown uneasy, distrustful of its message. She had abandoned the coastline and sulked inland toward the dense redwoods, whose evergreen foliage wove a web that obscured that deceiving, blinking star.

A moment of exclamation besieged the dainty wolf upon the first toss of a morning breeze. The savory, vaguely mint air carried a familiar aroma - the presence of others, unknown potential allies or enemies. Delighted that she was in neutral territory the curiosity of the nimble wolf piqued. If there were others she would find them no doubt and if she were to be discovered first? ah, wonderful. This would be fun.