
Those Wild Unknowns



3 Years
Extra large
08-28-2014, 06:15 AM

Once more the boy would make the trek to the Northern lands. The path was certainly one that he had grown familiar with already however something was different on this occasion. The scent of the pack was stale, Regium were no longer here more importantly this meant that his family was no longer here. What had happened to his mother and siblings, were they ok, was the pack still in existence or had something happened to them?

Worries of course flooded his mind, no longer of course the typical taunts from them residing so close to Isardis but still he was concerned for their well-being. It seemed that something had to go wrong with his family on a regular basis after all, they hardly had a model lifestyle what with a history of kidnapping, a father vanishing, pack challenges and general fights, it was no wonder he would expect the worst now really.

He of course planned to try and find them, discover what had happened, where they were calling home if they had found one yet. If not then the boy knew he would have to postpone his next visit to Warja, remain with them and help them find a safe place to settle. His younger siblings were growing but they certainly would benefit from a far more stable upbringing.

Nose set to work attempting to pick up a scent of any of his family. Instead however he'd find far fresher scents, rogues already claiming the area for various reasons. Kismet was determined though, somehow he would have to find them.