
Wild Heart


08-28-2014, 12:42 PM

The female, thankfully, believed his act. Nikko smiled cockily to himself, proud to have been so convincing. He'd often been called a terrible liar. Clearly, he was getting better. Aren't you supposed to be a hero? Teimesios snickered, amusement - and, strangely, disgust - coloring his words. What of it, stupid fox? The male was struggling to keep his emotions off his face, but he was careful to split his attention between Azalea and Si. Heroes don't lie. His deep baritone voice was taunting. But Nikko didn't have the time to respond, as Azalea soon required a response from him. Her question effected him instantly, though he tried not to show it on his face. Physically, he grew stiffer, and his eyes automatically looked away from her. He quickly put on an overly thoughtful face, hoping that it would appear to Azalea he was thinking about her question. Truthfully, he was thinking about it, just perhaps in a different manner than she may have thought.

Nikko... Si's voice was again taunting. She wishes to meet me. Come now, we musn't disappoint. His words ended in a low, angry growl. Immediately, Nikko was able to feel the determined push as Si attempted to more firmly take control of the wolf's body. Nikko shut his eyes tightly, ears pinning back against his head. He would not let Si out. He knew exactly what the demon would attempt. His silvery blue eye opened to look at Azalea, before roughly shaking his head, attempting to shake the hold that Si was beginning to have. The male thought of the redhead, of what would surely, in his mind, happen. Si would kill her. He could feel the familiar blackness that he'd come to associate Si's consciousness with attempted to envelope his brain, block his sight, plug his ears. He let out a growl, too focused on keeping hold over his body to care if she heard, or if she saw his face pinched in effort. He was a hero, even if no one recognized it - even if there was nothing really there fighting to gain control of his body. Teumesios was as real to him as the sun, the wind, the grass under his paws. He'd known the voice in his head for as long as he could remember.

Back off! This is my fucking body, fucking creep! I won't let you take it! The fox demon was surprised by the amount of force behind the words, the meaning behind them. His influence over Nikko's mind slipped, and the wolf was able to force the dark presence back enough to breathe. The fox settled quietly, though not for a lack of strength. He was curious. Nikko's mental power had gotten stronger. Nikko, meanwhile, took several deep breaths, his body instantly relaxing. He realized, after a moment, that Azalea had been witness to the events, though he doubted she knew exactly what she was witnessing. He took a breath and forced a smile on his muzzle. "I don't really desire anything." He spoke as if there hadn't been a lengthy pause, as though he hadn't just struggled to keep his own sanity. "I just... I want wars and shit like that to be over. Senseless killing, hatred everywhere... Revenge." He glanced away from her again, sadness coloring his eyes and tone at just the simple word. Revenge.

Nikko let out an uncharacteristically heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping, as if he carried the weight of the world on his broad shoulders. Sometimes, he felt like he did. "And I have many demons, but I try not to focus on them too much." He allowed her a small, sad smile, before shaking his head, then his body, ridding himself of tension and sadness. He gave Azalea a brighter grin. "No more sad shit, though. Let's talk about something exciting!" His body stretched into a playful bow, tail wagging with such fury that his entire body wiggled like that of a pup. He wasn't exactly inviting the female to play, but he was eager to change the subject. He was a hero, and he would protect her, and everyone else he came in contact with, from the darkness that lurked in his mind. And then, he would protect everyone from the darkness that lurked in the shadows. A hero will lie to save someone. His thoughts were in response to Si's taunting statement. The fox gave no reply, but Nikko felt the black presence stir.

Acts. "Nikko Speaks." "Si Speaks." Nikko Thinks. Si Thinks.