
One Lost, is now Found.



08-28-2014, 01:35 PM

It didn't take long for her family, at least one of them for now, to arrive. ?Ryker...? She spoke his name, soft, the uncertainty clear in her voice. A comforting nudge wasn't quite enough to help her, but it would have to do. The girl would lean into her brother, brushing her face along his neck briefly before lifting her head, waiting to see her mother push through the thicket and join them so that they could check out the howl together. At least then whoever it was would be intimidated by three wolves, an older experienced woman and two young adults in their prime.

Ryker spoke about how he thought the call was father, and that they should wait for mother to join them before checking it out. He wanted her to be be with them where she would be safe. Resnera sighed, head turning away, brows coming together. She wanted to believe it was father, oh how much she wished it was him, to ring the family closer by one more member. Then they could set out to look for Ravine, to then become a whole family like when they were younger. ?Maybe... we'll find out once mother joins us.?

Soon Ookami was with her children, Resnera moving up to the woman and brushing her shoulder against the aging woman's. She would address the two, figuring they had heard the howl as well, and believed that it was their father and Cyril. The girl wasn't too sure about that, having her doubts but there was no way she would voice her thoughts, not wanting her mother to lose hope that they would find Thane. She stood silently as her mother sent up a call, biting her lower lip, wondering if this was a good idea or not. Wondering if they would be disappointed and lose any more hope that they had in finding the man and their friend... Resnera didn't want to, she wanted to believe they would be reunited.

And then she was off. Resnera threw a worried glance to her brother before speeding off after her mother. ?Mom, wait!? She barked, jumping over logs, bushes and weaving through the dense thicket. ?Be careful!? With her aging body and the things the woman had been through, her daughter felt it was reckless for her to just go running through the thicket. What if she tripped and got hurt because she thought she heard her love's howl?

Coming to a sudden stop, Resnera dug her paws into the ground, body leaning back to prevent herself from running full force into her mother. Sides heaved, breathing heavily as she tried to stand up and take her place at her mother's side. ?Why'd you stop su...? The girl's voice trailed off when her bright blue gaze fell upon a figure before them, two of them that were all too familiar.

She couldn't believe it, her brain had to have been messing with her. Resnera blinked her eyes a few times, even used a foreleg to rub at them as though she had something in her eye, that rubbing it away would make the wolf and bird in front of her vanish. But no, they still stood there.

The girl made no move towards the man, ears flicking up when her mother spoke of a game of cat and mouse. What? Was that some sort of code between the two? Curiously Resnera would look to her father, wondering what he would say, and if he did say anything, would it be the right answer her mother was looking for?

The man seemed to know what she was talking about, even spoke of the game resulting in two wonderful children that have grown. Her eyes, without her realizing it at first, had been watering up, threatening to turn into tears that would run down her cheeks. It was him, dad was back. He spoke up once more, apologizing, explaining what had happened and why he was gone. ?Shut up!? She suddenly barked, but it wasn't because she was annoyed or mad at her father, no, she said it with a grin she was struggling to hold up. ?You are NOT a horrible husband, or father!? She added right after, the tears finally breaking free and streaming down her cheeks.

Finally the girl lunged, paws carrying her grown body towards her father. She would hop up, forelimbs attempting to wrap around the man's neck in an embrace. Head stretched out, wanting to brush her neck against his own while her head tried to reach around his shoulder to nuzzle Cyril, he was just as much part of this family. "I've missed you so much!" All she wanted to do was wrestle with her father, wanting to feel his embrace, his love once again like when she was a pup.

She wouldn't utter a word about her missing brother however, allowing her mother or Ryker to speak up. Losing their dad was hard, but losing Ravine too... it almost tore her heart up.
