
The Return Of The Music



7 Years
08-28-2014, 04:17 PM

Silvery paws stepped upon the shores of the island she and her family had taken refuge on after that fateful challenge issued by that red bitch. Her mother had lost, and from the injuries, had nearly died later on. Surreal?s mind had been firmly on the safety of her mother after the challenge had been lost. While revenge was a tasty sounding word, she was mature enough to cast it aside in the long run. So she, Alsander, Sarak (who had headed off not two days ago to seek out his family and mate, a wild eyed look on his face), Cormalin, and Obsidian, had taken Erani here, to Atlantis Island. Both Obsidian and Sarak had left important members of their family behind to assure Erani?s survival. Both had departed recently to search for them. Surreal hoped they were successful.

She cast a glance over her shoulder, up at the walls that protected the islands inner sanctum. It had been a haven, and she had been able to nurse her mother back to health. Her uncle was growing old. Still strong, but the hairs on his muzzle was becoming spangled with white flecks, and one eye had begun to cloud, much to her mothers displeasure. His gold eye was now bleached of color, clouded over as blindness sank in. He held himself well, adapting to the new manner of seeing. Erani, despite her age, and the battle she?s survived, had retained much of her stolid grace, eyes still keen and deep blue, fathomless in their wisdom. There was the ache in those eyes, however. The ache for a lost home. The ache of failure to protect and defend a pack, her family.

Surreal?s canines glinted under an early morning suns light as her jowls lifted in a silent growl. While they had been in the confines of the island, she had tried her best to listen in on the goings on of the mainland. Battlesong had been a great help; flying inland several times to see what the situation was for their old home. Since the challenge, Battle had reported, the pack had changed paws, the red bitch handing it to another female, who had vanished. Surreal had missed her chance to grab their home back, and now a new female held the plains and the moor in her paws. They would take their home back, and bring Valhalla home. But not yet. Surreal would bide her time, and gather their strength again before retaking what belonged to Valhalla.

Blue and gold gaze swept the distant shores of the mainland. First, however, she needed to find him Her love. Sarak and Obsidian weren?t the only members of their group that had left loved ones behind. Would he be waiting for her? Or had he moved on already, to another female?s embrace? Her eyes dropped to the sand beneath her paws. If he had? And that female made him happy? Could she ruin that for him? Her heart ached at the thought of him tangling with another female. But all in all, if he had found a new mate, it was her own fault. Still? The agonized sound that seeped up through her jaws wasn?t a sound she could help.

Soon enough, her sense of purpose returned, forcing the maelstrom of emotions aside, and she circled the base of the cliffs rising high above her, paws trailing depressions in the sand in her wake, until she had reached the southern end of the island. There was shallow water here at this time of the year. Taking a breath, she plunged into the cool seas embrace, striving powerfully away from the shore, toward another shore, just south and east of her. There was a river that emptied out into the sea, leading inland on the western side of the mainland. She would find a place to catch her breath at the rivers maw.

Around her churning legs, the current buffeted and billowed, the tide coming in, and bearing her frame to the mainland. It was a moderate swim, and she reached the mainland shore in due course, sea water pouring from her pelt in heavy streams. The sea rushed and hissed over the sand, swirling around her paws as she paused to give her body a firm shake, trying to relieve the extra weight of wet fur. It was short lived as she made her way to the river, slipping in to try and wash the salt water from her fur. She came out feeling a lot better than she had going in.

Surreal glanced up at the sky as a soft rush of feathers announced the arrival of her faithful feathered friend. How long hawks lived, she wasn?t sure, but she would mourn the day Battlesong no longer flew in the sky above her. The hawk settled on a branch above her, opal pendant glittering with many colors under the midmorning sun, preening a feather into place before her large golden eyes observed Surreal. There are wolves to the south and east of our location, in an area full of willows. They look to be of your family, some of them. I remember them being in the pack, but there are young ones I do not remember. Surreal smiled, daring to hope that they were of the family. ?Thank you, Song. You are a true friend.? Her words carried the mix of accents that had been imprinted from her puphood from her mother and father. Her mother?s Scottish and British mixed accent held sway over her father?s Russian accent, due to the long standing absence of her sire.

Castiel, too, had long been absent. Where was her golden eyed, white pelted brother, anyway? She had seen him once, after they had disappeared, but soon after, not even a day after, he had been gone again. And she hadn?t seen him since. Brow points pulling together in a frown, she started off in the direction Battlesong had indicated, deciding to put aside the sadness for a lost brother for the time being, and check to see if this was indeed her family that her companion had seen. Her eyes were alert, and yet, she wasn?t seeing much beyond her path. Her mind was returning to Falk, and what she would do if he was still waiting for her. It was her season, if she recalled rightly? She was three now. Well enough into life to consider a family of her own; children of her own.

Her paws halted, and she looked up, ears perked. She could smell them now. Imena, Cael, Deviant, maybe even a few others, and pups she didn?t recognize. The song that issued from her jaws was both a joyous greeting, as she bounded forward a few paces, and a call to the island that the coast was safe for her aged mother and uncle to find their ways ashore. And she charged forward with a bark to the family that was so close.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.