
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.


08-28-2014, 05:20 PM

Shadowed shades increased with darkness - darkness now overtaking the last silver beams of light that had managed to escape the overhead prison. There was beauty in darkness and she, herself, was proof of that. Dull sounds of thunder in the distance would echo across the surreal landscape. Ah, there was beauty in storms. The way the clouds whirled swiftly in the heavens, consuming the sapphire heavens, eventually creating a scene that appeared to be painted by Van Gogh.

Her personal Hades had emerged from his realm. Finally reaching out to her. Mmm, how well he taunted such haunting memories of antecedent events. Though, it was welcoming. Most wolves retreated from their history, but she chose to embrace it. Maybe this is what was so hypnotic about this male. Maybe this is what pleaded for her to find comfort within his hell. Hell being so familiar, she considered it her home. A hell in which had been long lost in the family setting of Abaven. How she needed this beast for her own personal demonic guardian, and she could be his angel with black wings.

Though, being this bastard's personal addiction would force her to give up her life as a succubus. A trade that would, perhaps, be worthy to forever hold the devil within her grasp. Giving up her learned ways would be a difficult road and not a perfect one. Though, who knew where it may end up at if this demon chose to stand by her side. Would they rule a land of their own? Maybe building an empire alongside Abaven, creating a force so powerful that others dared not to threaten with bloodied claws. Ah, such visions and such power to be obtained.

The man's muscles seemingly tensed as her words sung out to him. Perhaps, he too, found some sick comfort from her presence. Or perhaps it was from unshielded desire - and soon she would offer him relief from such sensations. Relief in which he probably needed more so than herself.

Each breath the man took seemingly made him look all the more demonic. Lungs increasing his size to the point where it appeared it could no longer stretch his masculine chest. Ah, this macabre beast was so perfect. Together, they could own all the world.

The words soon to exit his maw would make a promise of him being alone. Something whispered that she could trust his statement, though, something else told her that she could not; however, what did it matter. Herself could not be trusted. Unwillingly given a life of trickery and lies would shape her ability to trust and to be trusted. Such a tale would take a brave soul to unravel and rewind into something good. To redo what had be done would take understanding and much guidance. To retrain her thought processes could, in fact, be done.

Something in her soul, or perhaps the ghosts of ancestors, seemed to plead for her to not let him go. Motley eyes would seemingly light up into a personal wildfire when Goliath would inch his way closer to her once more. Marbled gaze would scan his masculine body once - savoring the dreadlocks that poured from his flesh. Untamed - it fit this rogue so wonderfully.

I adore your unkempt mane, Goliath. It fits you so handsomely. It makes sensations of lust pour throughout my body. . . Your scars decorate your face so menacingly. I bet you have a warrior heart to match each perfect imperfection. The ornaments that hang upon your body in gold give you a dangerous appearance in which I find rather seductive.She would whisper in return as the male would touch her face. The gold metal band that hung from his nose made a shiver ripple through her body as it's cold touch kissed her ear softly. The man sent floods of excitement through her body as he would push his nose to her ear and nuzzle her warmly. And with that she knew she needed him.

Venus returned the touch - pressing her face into the beast's jawline. Nuzzling softly and allowing her warm, excited breaths to wash over his pelt in short moans. Ravage me, Goliath. Ah, she did not want him to be easy. She wanted to taste the power the hide within his colossal frame. With that said, the succubus sunk her fangs into his matted neck in attempt to lay marks on his flesh. Right forelimb intertwined with his left forelimb, pulling herself as close as she possibly could to her Hades.

Lightning continued to ignite their landscape. Becoming all the more urgent as time ticked on. Thunder rumbled fiercely. . . The gods, perhaps, disapproving or approving of their connection. Droplets made its way past the canopy overhead, pouring down upon their bodies. Her pelt soaked up the liquid quickly as if it had been deprived of hydration for far too long. Fur now matched the man's coat as it was now soaked and pressed against her skin - revealing each curve of her body more wonderfully than before.

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