
The Return Of The Music



11 Years
08-28-2014, 06:23 PM
It was by sheer, sheer luck that Castiel had been in this particular area at this particular time. For the moment, he had left Amia behind, confident in her abilities to take care of herself, and wandered aimlessly. It had only been a few short hours before he would hear a howl echoing in the air - one that was beautifully, astoundingly familiar. The white male stopped, the breath escaping his lungs in a whoosh as he froze. His muscles tensed, and his brain struggled to process what was happening.

Surreal. She was here! And as soon as that thought had sunk into his skull, Castiel was racing forward, paws slamming into the ground as he shoved himself forward, chasing that voice before it could dare vanish. He would not lose her, not this time, not when she was so close that he could taste her scent in the air. And with every moment that passed, her scent grew stronger and stronger until suddenly, she was there, and running towards him too and Castiel didn't have time to react before they were colliding with each other. And down they went, in a tangle of limbs, tumbling towards the earth. A few desperate twists ensured that Castiel landed beneath Surreal as much as possible, protecting her body from the bruises that this fall would surely cause.

Panting, the wolf stared up at his sister, stretching up enough to cover her maw and face in licks and kisses. "Surreal! You're all right!" He had not seen hide nor hair of them in the seasons since he'd arrived here, but now she was standing right in front of him and the months seemed to have melted away. He had not been this happy in months - if not years. There was sheer joy in Castiel's thoughts, and the only thing that he could think was that she was alive and she was all right. If only their.. father could have been there too.

The thought of Nova sobered Castiel up instantly, and he backed swiftly away from his sister, rising carefully to his own four paws. Suddenly serious, he watched his sister in silence, struggling with how to frame the words that needed to be said. He was the herald of bad news, the one that would bring hurt to his entire family; their father was dead.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.