
The Return Of The Music



7 Years
08-28-2014, 07:24 PM

He hit like a tidal wave, and the next thing she knew, she was on top of the large white male that she?d crashed into, or had crashed into her. It took her brain a few seconds to realize who this huge white male with golden eyes was, and reconcile this image with the much younger, lankier version she had seen so long ago. ?C-Castiel?? The name came out as an astounded croak. Then louder, clearer. ?Castiel?!? The licks he was planting on her face and muzzle were swiftly returned as she fully understood that she wasn?t just dreaming. ?Cas! Of course I?m alright. It?d take way more to kill me off that one would think.?

Castiel seemed to sober up abruptly, scrambling to his paws and backing up, and she took the moment to gaze at her bog brother. He was so grown up. He was big, too. Fluffy, his dirty brown muzzle of younger years having bleached out to a snowy white that matched the rest of his frame. His eyes were a molten gold, like their fathers. Come to think of it; her eyes flicked around. Their father?s massive black frame was nowhere to be seen. ?He didn?t make it.? The solemnity in her voice was a note of understanding. She had never truly expected to see her father again; had only begun accepting that she might never see Castiel again. Gabriel? Something in her heart knew that he was never coming back again. He wasn?t dead. She just knew he wasn?t dead.

Her mismatched eyes turned to her brothers golden eyes. ?Luna?s Light, I?m so glad you?re okay, at least. Mother will be so happy!? She bounced forward a pace, coming to meet his chest with her shoulder as she made to embrace her big brother. ?You?ve grown so much, you big galoot.? The affection in her tones made up for the name-calling. Right now, even her heat couldn?t? She backed up a step, checking the wind to be sure it wasn?t blowing in her brother?s direction. No need to blast her brother with her feminine things right off the bat?

Her mind returned to the family she had been expecting to see. ?How are they, Cas? Imena, Cousin Cael? Or? Have you not met them yet? You don?t smell like you have, but you do smell like Amia?? The words were out in a tumble as she cast a look over his frame again, tail waving curiously. Then her mind tripped over the thought of Falk. Luna?s teeth, what would her brother think of her hating a mate? Possibly having a mate, she corrected herself. It all depended on whether Falk would even still want or have her after her atrocious disappearance. Did Castiel have a mate? Maybe Amia? She studied her brother.

?Oh brother, there?s so much to tell you about? Where do I even begin??

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.