
Across the Barren Dunes, my love



4 Years
08-28-2014, 08:17 PM

Aoto knew full well they had to get out of the desert if they were to have any chance of surviving without complications like what happened with the sandstorm that rolled past them a little earlier. He nodded to her after he finished licking her paw making sure he was very careful about doing so. Aoto flashed a smile to Tallulah and gently touching his nose to her own before resting his head down. He was exhausted from not only the running he had to do but from all his worries. There was a time when he had all the energy in the world to only worry about the simple things in life and expend it only on himself but now, he had Tallulah to think about.

He had to know what Tallulah really thought of him, to know if he really was making her happy, making her feel safe, he had to know. He lifted his head again and looked at her before letting his voice come out as nothing more but a whisper for her to hear "Tallulah, I need to know, but I also don't want to know... I'm just scared, with that sandstorm I realized that I have so much more to lose now than I did when I was alone... I love you and just thinking of losing you... I need to know, have I been a good mate for you so far... am I giving you what I can for us to be together..." Aoto didn't know before just how scared he was with the sandstorm happening but now that he was given time to think he realized just how scared he truly was.