
The Return Of The Music



08-29-2014, 02:07 PM
Amia Tulip

She had been sitting under the willows when Castiel left to go wonder around. It did not bother her when he left for she knew they would meet up sooner or later again. She smiled and closed her eyes as her white face dropped to her paws. She needed sleep, her nights were spent restless with nightmares and an unease of still not finding Imena. The breeze rustled the thin branches of the willows, the sun dancing in golden spots on the forest floor, lulled her to sleep. For once her dreams were not of bad memories but those spent with the dark healer. There were good times, training lessons, sunbathing, chatting the day away. She woke suddenly to a howl calling out for family.

Head lifted up slowly eyes blinking in confusing. Why did that voice sound so familiar? Getting to her paws with a yawn she looked around. Maybe she should find Castiel first. With a nod to herself she set to tracking down his trail. Thankfully she had a good enough nose to find his scent with ease. She moved at an ease pace, no where near in a rush. Plus being slightly distracted by her own thoughts. Every waking moment she thought of Castiel, he was strong, handsome, and so kind. He was every much like the rest of his family. She could see the resemblance from those s knew, Erani, Cormalin, and Cael. A bittersweet crossed her lips, she missed them all so much. They had started to become her family. She wasn't afraid to let others get close to her anymore.

Voices reached her ears as Castiel's scent grew stronger. Head lifted as she paused to look up. At once her eyes widened in surprise. There was Catiel, Cael, Surreal, a red faced woman and a pup who looked a lot like Cormalin. She yipped out to them happily before bouncing forwards. She came first to Castiel's side with a happy smile, tail wagging madly. "Cael! Surreal! It's really you two! I've missed you so much. Where's Imena and the others? And who is the pup?" She said quickly. Turning to Castiel she nudged his shoulder with a grin.