
What I've found Abroad



8 Years
08-31-2014, 12:19 PM

She huffed when he settled in behind her, her hackles raising against him. He had her trapped though, with the girl nuzzled in at her belly and him at her back. She growled to let him know that she wasn't happy about it, but she really had little choice. He whispered her name and she tried to hide the shiver that ran down her spine. She always knew that he would never be faithful to just her, and she was silly to dream about it. But oh did she ever dream. She wanted to be his one and only, but that was just simply what it was -- a dream. There was no way in hell that he would settle down, and she had birthed his first litter. Othello at least wanted to know what -- or who -- he was doing. And she wanted to know about the pups. Sighing, her purple eyes slanted up to him in their narrowed state. "What?" She asked softly, her single word hissing between her teeth.

All Othello ever wanted was to be loved by someone and have them by their sides for the rest of their lives. And then she found Scorpion was drawn into his silky web, ever to be freed. She loved Scorpion, and it killed her inside that he would never return that intense emotion. Othello said nothing else to him, just rested her head on her paws and allowed the girl to pull at her stomach, knowing that soon she would be able to feed. That was what she was focusing on now, she was just the bitch to feed his other children. Yes, she loved being a caretaker, but it made her feel like that was her only purpose in his eyes.

baby you're all I need