
The Return Of The Music



11 Years
08-29-2014, 01:18 PM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2014, 01:20 PM by Castiel.)

It was Surreal's instinctive understanding of why Castiel pulled away that lifted that weight from his chest. He was unable to find the right words to agree with her statement, and so he simply nodded, closing his golden eyes for a long moment to ward off the memories of his father falling. They did not need to know the details - Castiel could protect them from that much, at least. "No, he didn't." Castiel would admit solemnly, hating how ugly those words tasted in his mouth. Nova had been a great man, and now he was gone, and the world a little less bright.

Still, the change in topic was welcome. Castiel stood silent for a moment, listening to the words that rolled off Surreal's tongue. "I have been travelling with Amia," He would admit with a twitch of his ears. "But I have not seen any other members of our family." And even as he spoke, another wolf would appear - Azalea, was that right? She was an Adravendi, not exactly one of Castiel's family members, but the Adravendis had always been close to his mother. Perhaps not so close that one of them belonged at a family reunion, but what could be done about it now? Needless to say, a lot of things had happened during Castiel's absence that he was not yet aware of, such as his mother adopting the Adravendi name.

Even as his maw moved to form a greeting, another two wolves would appear - one an adult and one a pup. Castiel fell silent as they both addressed Surreal, sinking back on his haunches as his tail wrapped around his paws. Perhaps he was the stranger here, the odd one out. Maybe it was Castiel that didn't belong here. The impulse to vanish now that he had carried his foul news to his sister's ears rose up in Castiel's chest, but he remained still for the moment, waiting to see what Surreal would say and do. Still, the feeling that he didn't quite belong was something that he could not shake off. The family had changed while Castiel had been gone, and he had changed as well; maybe they simply didn't fit together as they had before.

Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.