
even a god-king can bleed


08-29-2014, 11:16 PM

Everything was happening much too fast for the man to follow. His little brother moved closer to Chryseis, his eyes coming up to meet his salmon gaze. He nodded softly, pointedly putting himself in front of the two when his father moved from the stage. He was not all too impressed about the woman showing up with the kid, but he would talk to her at a later time, now he watched as his father lunged towards the golden marked boy, watching with a stony face as the boy cowered before his father. It was then that Helios turned and looked at his son, making the albino man swallow hard. He was pointing this at him, making him chose if he were to stand beside Chryseis or to stand with his family. His stone face broke, confusion and the feeling of being lost washing over his pink tinted features. A single paw rose as his gaze flickered between the two groups, his heart torn.

"Father..." He said softly, his ears pinning flat against his skull. A low whine left his maw as he felt torn in two. "Father, I love her. I can't just walk away." He said softly, his paw landing on the earth once more. He looked back at the black and golden woman, a small smile on his muzzle. He had never admitted that before, not out loud before. He had never told her, but he had just spoken the words. Apollo couldn't just leave her though, he was tied to her in more than just one way. But his father, his mother, they should understand, could they not? He was being forced to choose between love and his family ties, and that to him was not something that he could just... decide.

talk, think