
Fading Footprints

Athena I


9 Years
08-30-2014, 12:26 AM


Athena let the stranger speak before attempting to explain anything, chuckling softly and giving a shake of her head as the fea apologized for potentially crossing a border. "No, no, this place is open to all wolves, although it is rare to find anyone out here that isn't looking for a fight. This is the Battlefield. It is where we come when we want to spar, challenge, go to war... Basically anything dealing with the art of fighting. While I've spent plenty of time around here I certainly do not own it so you shouldn't feel any guilt in being here."

She quietly sized up the other woman as she spoke, noting the name that she had introduced herself with. Spero. She was a good bit shorter than herself, but Athena had learned long ago that height did not always mean might. Haruka was one of the smallest wolves she knew and she wouldn't ever want to tangle with her. To top it off Spero's coat was a brilliant white, a color that would clearly go well in the tundras that Bevroren called home. Personality wise the fea seemed nice enough. Maybe not a fighter, but Bevroren was certainly in need of hunters and healers. She was young, but Athena was almost as young herself so she had no room to speak on that matter.

"Have you considered joining a pack, Spero? My home, Bevroren, is north of here, near the tundra. It's fairly cool and snowy most of the year so your white coat would fit in perfectly. My laws are simple. I only ask that you put forth all of your effort to keep the pack running smoothly and stay loyal to the pack. Of course showing your pack mates respect is important as well." She fell quiet, her split-tone gaze watching the smaller woman curiously. Would her offer appeal to her at all or would the fea go running?