

Athena I


9 Years
08-30-2014, 01:11 AM

ooc: SO sorry for the delay guys. Dumb not-having-internet-and-being-in-college-problems. A lot of this is going to be outdated now, but I'll go ahead and post what I was planning to anyway. I won't require anyone to post again on this meeting unless you have something to tell Athena or if you just want to.

Some promotions that won't be in this post due to the timing: Liberty is no longer in Bevroren so Talvi will will her spot as Lerrar. Kyung will be promoted to lead fighter. Still need a lead hunter if anyone is interested!

OOC ANNOUNCEMENT: There are new OOC Bevroren rules! You can find them at the bottom of the pack laws on the pack pages. I will begin enforcing them on the week of September 7th. I will be checking so get on it! No training threads or meetings prior to the 7th will count against you. Now on with the meeting!

The crowd that gathered was smaller than she had hoped. She wasn't going to lie to herself, this crowd was pitiful. However, she wouldn't let that discourage her. She knew every wolf that gathered and that wasn't something she could say before now. She knew each and every wolf at least fairly well and she trusted them. The absences that were felt the hardest to her was Amalia and Kuvio. Many wolves she had noticed were gone long before now, Kuvio's brother, Kyarst, and their mother, Sendoa, being among them. Of course there was the wolves that had left to follow Isardis to be considered as well. All things considered she was happy with who was here. They finally had a solid base to grow from. These were all wolves who had been given plenty of opportunities to leave if they wanted to, but here they were.

After all of those that she had expected to see had gathered she got on with the meeting. "Hello again everyone. I'm sure all of you know that a lot has happened recently, most notably, of course, is Isardis leaving to start his own pack. Argent and Drashiel decided to go with him. They are our family and therefore our allies and should be treated as such." It didn't matter really how she felt about her father's actions in the big scheme of things. They were still family and there was no denying blood.

Athena went on, saying, "With Isardis leaving, I have decided to take the opportunity to make changes within our pack. We need our own identity and our own voice if we are really going to form a pack that we can be proud of and fight for. I have chosen the name Bevroren, I hope you all approve. Along with a new name there will be changes in how our ranks are set up. I of course will be the queen, but now I will be known as the Soeverein. Vereux will no longer be known as a king, but his duties and his position in this pack will remain much the same. Under him will be the two betas, the Graff and the Lerrar. The Graff will act basically as my assistant and messenger, will accompany me to meet with other packs, and will help keep an eye on the pack when I am absent. The Lerrar will be our lead teacher and disciplinarian. They will work with me and the lead fighter, hunter, and healer, to set up trainings for the pack and will work mainly with Vereux and myself to decide on punishments when needed.

"Many of you have met Haruka already. She will be our new Graff. She joined fairly recently, but she has proven to be very loyal and has an interesting set of skills that I think will make her perfect for that position. Of course Liberty shall be our Lerrar. For our lead positions, Devin shall be our lead healer and I would like to offer Talvi the position of lead fighter. Since none of our hunters have shown, I need to ask that everyone pitches in and makes sure everyone is fed. No one is above hunting for someone else if needed, not that I'm not completely confident in all of your abilities to hunt."

She glanced around at all of them, the small group that made up her pack. "It has been a rough road to get to this point. It has not been easy, we all know that. But here we are. This is our chance to break free of Isardis's shadow and create something that is entirely our own. We can build it together. But to do that I need everyone to put forth all of their efforts and then some. I need everyone to work hard, train, better yourselves and each other. All trainings called in this pack are mandatory. I don't care if you are not specialized in the area that is being trained. I want us to be well rounded and at least moderately capable in every area."
