



4 Years
08-30-2014, 08:19 AM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2014, 12:03 PM by Elli.)

Azael Adravendi

A fool thinks himself to be wise.


Azael will remain on the path to becoming a wise and polite brute. He will always do his best to respect the wolves above him but he can be sassy at times which can lead to small, disrespectful comments to slip out of his mind on occasion. He is by no means outspoken as he tends to remain in a shy and reserved state while he thinks about more important things in life. He loves to learn, anything and everything he can get his hands on. He will take to memorizing things as it is something that he enjoys doing while also trying to use what he has learned in real situations. He has a knack for herbology but also does not mind learning how to fight. He is not against violence in general but he loathes mindless violence for obvious reasons. Much can change throughout a pups life, but as of the day, Azael is on his way to becoming a fine wolf.


The boy had risen early that morning specifically so he could watch the sun rise into the sky from below the earth. It was a magical thing to him, and it was something he enjoyed doing. His lungs were filled with the fresh morning air as he drew in a deep breathe. His eyes were wide as he watched the orange orb start to rise through the sky. His mottled brown coat ruffled slightly as a warm summer breeze swept through his fur. He surely had such a big day today. The heterochromia iridum eyes were filled with amazement. "It's so beautiful." His voice spread across the distance as he watched it rise. It was something he would save in his memories forever.

He would wait for the sun to finish rising before he headed out for the day in search of something new to learn. That was all he was going to do that day; he was going to learn something new and he was going to apply it somehow in some way. It was an adventure in himself. With the venture ahead of him, he tended to remain carefree as he hummed a small tune in search of something off or interesting.

He would drag his mind into focus as something caught his eye. It was a small plant, looking insignificant when really it was very important, at least to him. He would squint his blue and brown (respectively) eyes as he gazed at it. What was it? Oh, he thought he remembered the name from the appearance from somewhere. It was green with white flowers across it. Some of the flowers almost looked like thorns. "Oh that is what it is!" He exclaimed in realization. "Boneset to help combat fevers and colds but can also be effective with muscle pains." He recalled as he realized that the boneset was part of a store of herbs gathered. It made sense since boneset wasn't supposed to grow in the area that the young and curious pup was in.

[Image: gsRwZMT.png]

I don't need your future, I don't want your past.

Born Valhalla
Lawful Good