
The Return Of The Music



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-30-2014, 01:05 PM

Her snowy frame cut through the sea as she strove toward the mainland shore. She had failed her pack, her family, on that horrid day. Now their lands were invaded by strangers. Moreover, she had failed Cairo, in a way. And yet, she pushed on. There was always another try. Surreal would be their new star. Surreal was intelligent, strong, and wouldn?t give up. Deep blue sapphires turned to the misty silver form at her left, then to the ebony body at her right. Alsander and Cormalin, Nephew, and Brother.

Her paws met sand as the sea shallowed, and in a moment, she and her two male family members were on the shore, shaking the heavy water from their fur. Surreal?s hawk, Battlesong, cried out from above, catching Erani?s attention, circling before soaring off toward the west. She would lead them to Surreal. Erani followed at a slow trot, the two males close behind, Alsander keeping to his father?s blind side. She arrived, in time to hear Deviant?s query to Surreal. ?I?m here, and alive.? There was faint, dry humor in her voice, but her eyes still held that ache. She tried to hide it, but in truth, she knew her family could see the ache.

Those ancient eyes turned now to observe those gathered for the first time, as she came abreast of her daughter. Azalea, Cael, Imena, Amia, two pups that looked very similar to Cael and Cormalin, Deviant, and? She froze. A mother knows her child, no matter how long it has been since she was last with that child. He had grown so much. So large, just three or four inches shy of his father's massive height. Pale as she was, but with his father?s molten gold eyes. ?Castiel?? Her boy. Her firstborn. The rest who were gathered were ignored as she charged forward, for the first time in seasons seeming young again. ?My son! My son! Castiel!? She bathed her eldestborns face with kisses, before her maternal, slash, healer instincts stamped in and she checked him over for new injuries.

Of Nova, she asked nothing. She already knew. Perhaps knew more than their son. She would have felt it if her lost mate was truly dead. Some instinct deep in her gut knew he was still alive, but that he was never returning. And she was at peace with that. She was old. Her time would come in a matter of years. She had family to focus on here, instead of haring off to seek out a male who was lost.

Her tail wagged fiercely as she finished her inspection of her son, finding him whole and healthy, and she stepped back, locking sapphires with molten gold for a long moment. ?And it?s about time, too.? There was warmth and love in those words, and finally, she turned her gaze to study the rest gathered, finally gazing at the youngest members of this group. It took no time at all for her to identify who?s children these two were. Her gaze turned to Cael and Imena. ?My statement stands. Congratulations, at last, Cael, Imena. Castiel, this is Cael, your cousin. Cormalin?s youngest son. Behind me is Alsander, your second oldest cousin. This is Imena, Cael?s mate.? Her eyes turned to Azalea.

?Sarak left us a few days ago to search for you. I hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive him. Life is too short to spend it filled with anger. I take the full blame for his disappearance. Had I been a better Queen, and been able to turn away the danger, he?d be at your side now.? Her eyes turned to those gathered. ?I failed you all, that day.? There was so much certainty in those words, in the sapphire eyes that were once again ancient and fathomless.