
Gone to the Birds [B]


08-30-2014, 02:12 PM

B had been watching the pretty wolf walk into the water, sitting up in a near-by tree. She was a silly thing, she seemed to be prancing around like she owned the water. No one owned water! Silly wolf. Cawing, B fluttered his wings from his perch, hopping down a few branches to bring him closer to her. He was still above her head, a safe distance encase she wasn't a bird friendly wolf. He had met some like that, so he was always careful when approaching them. He watched, beady yellow eyes darting after the little fish that she scared away. "Oi, B likes those fish! Don't scare them away, caw! B was going to eat, and now the silly woof has chased them away!" He called, ebony feathers ruffling as he hopped further down his branch, head bobbing to and fro and his long green striped crest following in suite.

The crow had been hiding for a little bit, it was nice to be talking to the wolves again. This one was different though, she seemed to hold herself higher than most. Yes, he may sound stupid, but that didn't mean that he was. Clacking his beak together, his golden eyes never left her creamy form.