
the prettiest people do the ugliest things


08-30-2014, 03:46 PM

The dark queen seemed to take no offense to her early comment, which the silver woman found interesting. But nothing more was said. When she was spoke again, the Queen paid close attention, listening to every word, analyzing it carefully. With a betrothal and an alliance, the woman was promising aid, defense and shelter, wanting only the same in return. She would take a moment to think. There would always be a risk in forging alliances and arranging betrothals. But there was no doubt in her mind that she burn this pack to the ground if they betrayed her or her children. A slow smile would curl her dark lips. Kylar was going to freak the fuck out.

"Very well then. I'll offer my daughter, Basanti, she will be a year this winter. But first, I should like to meet the boys you have in mind. I have high standards Miss Natalya for my daughter, she is the heir to my throne after all, I won't see her tied to someone incompetent." As she spoke, it never once crossed her mind that she might offend this woman. Sure the children where her family members, but if she was smart, she would understand. This was a political move, one that needed to be well thought out and planned, every detail was important, the future of their packs rested on their children. "And you will have our aid, defense and shelter in return should you ever need it. I do not take the welfare of my children lightly, I trust that neither of us will be betrayed." A dark smile curled her lips as a brow raised with silent promise. She would not harm Olympus unless they stabbed her in the back first. "Oh there is something I should probably warn you about." She would pause. "My husband is going to have a coronary when he finds out." She would chuckle lightly, amusing flitting briefly across her features.